Over Thinking

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It was 7:15 AM. 

Killian was just waking up. He looked to his side and saw Emma laying in bed beside him. He had known her for about five years now. Emma had just asked him to move in with her, and he was so happy. Since he had come back from the underworld Killian had missed Emma, and didn't want to let her go. He finally realized how much she meant to him, and he knew that Emma loves him too. He slowly crept out of bed and headed down into the kitchen to make breakfast. 

A short while after he was up, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He thought it was Emma, but secretly hoped it wasn't because he wanted to surprise her. It was Henry. 

"Hey Hook, what are you making?" Henry said with a grin. He was so hungry, and hoped Killian wasn't making something weird from the Enchanted Forest.

"Eggs and bacon," he replied. "I was going to surprise you and your mother, but I suppose you could lend me a hand, mate?"

"Sure!" Henry walked over to help Killian.

"You know Henry, you don't have to call me 'Hook'" He said softly. "You could just call me Killian," Killian smiled at Henry, hoping he wouldn't mind.

"Ok Killian," Henry smiled. "Should I go wake up mom?"

They had finished making  breakfast and Killian started to set the table.

"Go ahead and get your mother, lad" Killian said to Henry, still whispering as if he didn't want to wake Emma.

Henry ran up the stairs and jumped on Emma's bed. "Wake up," he said quietly. "Mom, c'mon, get up!"

"Henry, what's going on," she said confused, "Where's Killian?"

"He's downstairs waiting for you"

"Okay kid, I'm coming."

While Henry was upstairs, Killian was calling the restaurant that he and Emma had their first official date at. He made reservations for dinner for 6pm. He was going to make tonight special for Emma. They hadn't really had a moment alone since he came back from the underworld, because they had just got back. Hades was defeated, Zelena and baby Robin were moving in with Regina soon, and Henry landed a 'date' with Violet. Everything was getting back to normal and Killian didn't want to wait until another disaster happened before he could take Emma out.

Emma and Henry were walking down the stairs as Killian hung up the phone, which made Emma suspicious. 

"Who was that?" She asked trying to get Killian to tell her what was going on. 

"Nothing important.. Right now, you just go sit down and enjoy your breakfast" He said with a smirk.

Emma was still felling suspicious, but she went and sat down any way. Henry was right behind her, and they ate in silence. 

"Bye mom!" Henry yelled as he grabbed his backpack. "See you after school"

"You sure you don't want me to walk you?" she replied. 

"I'll go Swan, and make sure the boy is safe" Killian replied. He had been waiting to get a moment to talk to Henry.

"I can walk my self Ho-" He caught himself, about to call him Hook again. "Killian."

"It's okay lad, I wanted to ask you something anyway."

Henry was curious now, "What is it?"

"I'm surprising your mother tonight by taking her out to dinner and,"

"And what?" Henry couldn't wait to hear what he had to say, even though he was pretty sure he knew where this was going.

"I was going to ask her to marry me..." Killian waited for Henry to respond. "And I was hoping... that'd be okay with you?"

"Of course! You make my mom happy, and that makes me happy"

Killian was relieved. He showed Henry the ring. "So, what do you think she'll say? I was almost gonna wait longer because I don't know how she'll react."

"I'm sure she'll say yes, but I don't know" 

They had just gotten to the bus stop. "I'm going to go make sure your mother isn't worried, we took a long time to get here," Killian joked. He and Henry laughed slightly.

"Ok, bye Killian" 

"Bye mate"

Killian called Emma on the phone and made sure she knew that he had dropped Henry off at the bus stop and he was fine. He started walking towards the sheriff station. David was probably there by now, and Emma didn't have to go in for another hour or so. 

"Good morning mate" Killian said as he walked in.

"Morning" David replied quickly. He was trying to solve a case, but wasn't getting anywhere without Emma and a pot of coffee. 

"I need to talk to you David," Killian said in a way that made David worry.

"Is Emma okay?" That's all he could think about now.

"She's fine," Killian replied. "I am taking her out to dinner tonight, and wanted to ask you if-" Killian stopped talking because of how nervous David was making him feel. "I want to marry your daughter."

David looked up at him and shot him the same look he had given him on their first date about a year ago. "I don't know what to tell you Killian." This had been the first time David had called him that. Killian smiled. 

"I love Emma, and I wouldn't ever want to leave her. I just want her to be happy, and I want to be a part of her life and I can't live---"

David cut him off "Stop Killian.." David scared Killian a little, but then smiled. "I hope she says yes 'mate'" David was mocking him, but he didn't care. Killian was too happy to care about being mocked. He hugged David and got excited that he and Henry were both okay with the idea of him marrying Emma.

"Please don't tell Mary Margret yet.. I'm sure if she says yes, she will want to tell her mother"

"I completely agree"

They both smiled and Killian started to walk back to the house where Emma was still getting ready.

Thanks so much for reading! Please leave me a comment and vote :) I am going to try and update everyday (well, every other day maybe). I'll update  when I have ideas..

XOXO! Thanks Hooklings <3

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