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"Neal?" I say as we walked in to Granny's.

"Emma.. are you okay?" Killian says looking at me.

"I-- I just thought I saw something.."

"Are you sure you're okay Emma?"

"Yea.. Yeah, I'm fine" I say looking around. Neal wasn't there.. I must be imaging things. Killian goes to order while I sit with Henry.


"yeah kid?"

"Did you see dad"

"I thought I did.. But I was imaging it.. It comes with being pregnant" I said, reassuring him

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah kid, I'm fine."

We ended up eating there, and after we decided to go to my parents house. My dad and Killian took baby Neal and Henry to get ice cream. I sat on my moms bed.

"I saw Neal" I blurted out while she was folding clothes next to me.

"Emma.. He was just here, of course you saw him."

"No, not my brother.. Henry's dad"

"Oh.. How is he.. um, well, alive?"

"He isn't.. I thought I saw him at Granny's"

"Are you okay sweetie?"

I sat up, "I'm fine, I just thought I saw him.. Do you think it means anything?"

"Emma, honey.. You're over reacting... It's just because you're tired. Maybe looking at Henry reminded you of him and you thought you saw him."

"okay" I said and smiled. I rubbed my stomach, "I just can't wait until they are here"

"None of us can sweetheart." She grabbed a pillow and put it behind me, "Now, you get some rest while I finish folding these"

"Mom, I'm fine"


"fine" I said and lied down. I did need rest. I slowly started drifting off. I woke up as Killian and my dad walked in with a very tired Henry and sleeping Neal.

"Ready to go home love?" Killian says helping me up.

"Very" I said and we said goodbye to my parents. We drove home and Henry fell asleep in the car. I poofed him to his bed and Killian and I went to sit on the couch.

"Killian.. I saw Neal today."

"Your brother?"

"Henry's dad"

"How Emma?"

"I don't know.. When we walked into Granny's  he was just.. there."

"I didn't see him"

"Mary Margret said I just needed to sleep.. Do you think I'm going crazy?"

"No! Of course not.. I'm sure these little ones are just making you tired, like your mother said" He said rubbing my belly.

"Okay" I smiled.. "Let's go to bed?" I said

"Ok" He said, and we walked up the stairs. 

"I love you" I said as we both drifted off to sleep.


"Morning Love" I heard as I woke up, hugging Killian.

"Morning" I said and we kissed. "I love this.. all of this" I said. "I'm about to have our little princesses, I get to marry you, and everything is just so perfect" He kissed my check.

"I'll go make you breakfast Swan" He said and smiled. "I love you"

"I love you too" I said as he walked out of our bedroom. Soon Henry came in.

"Mom, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Henry.. I just needed some rest." I smiled and hugged him. "Why don't you go help Killian?" I said

"I'll go get dressed first, but then I will" He said and kissed my belly. "I can't wait for you guys to arrive!" He said and walked out the door.

"KILLIAN!!" I scream as loud as I could, feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen.

What's gonna happen?!? I suppose you'll have to wait and find out ;)

Please vote and comment your thoughts. I love hearing from you guys!

By the way, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200+ reads! You guys are the best!

I already wrote half of the next chapter. Here is a part from it to tease;

Killian's POV

"Hey Love" I say kissing her cheek

"hey" She says and smiles at me

"Where are our daughters?" I ask a nurse that was in there with us.

"Umm.. Daughter...." She says and walks away.

I hope you guys are excited!!

XOXO! Thanks Hooklings <3

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