Happy Birthday

291 11 5

Emma's POV

As soon as I went home I went straight to the downstairs bathroom. 

"Emma? Are you alright?" I hear Ashley say from outside the door.

"Umm.. I'm fine, just give me 5 minutes please?"


I took the test and set it on the counter.. 3 minutes feel like forever in times like these. I remember how scared I was when I found out about Marina, and Moana. What if I am pregnant? What if I lose another baby!? I jumped when I heard the timer on my phone go off. I did 2 tests, and I looked at both of them.. POSITIVE.. I'm pregnant! All of the fear faded away when I remembered that Killian won't ever leave me.  I opened the bathroom door with a huge smile on my face.

"Oh. My. Gosh! You are!!"

"Shh!" I giggled. "I have to tell Killian first" I smiled. 

"Call him!"

"Now? He's working"

"That can wait!"

"Fine, I'll call him"

PHONE CALL (Still Emma's POV)

-Morning love, how are you

-Morning, can you come home?

-Emma? Is everything okay?

-Yeah, I got Marina's birthday present today! (I giggled)

-What did you get her?

-Come home and find out! Love you!

-I love you too.. I'll get off soon, just have to check a few things, love

-Ok, bye


I hung up. He's gonna be so happy! I can't wait to tell him! "How am I going to tell him?"

"Make him a bottle!" Ashley said and laughed

"Hilarious" I said sarcastically

"I know I am" She smirked

"Oh I know, give Marina a shirt that says 'Big Sister' "

"Oh! Good idea!"

I ended up going shopping for the shirt while Killian stayed home with Marina. I kept the big surprise a secret from him, mainly to tease him a little bit, but I'll tell him in the morning.

~The Next Day~

"Are you going to tell me yet?" Killian said, waking me up.

"Uh, fine" I got up and went into out closet and walked out with a shirt I bought for Marina. I got it in a tank top because I'll have the baby in summer. "here" I said handing him the shirt.

"Big sister?" He sat for a minute. "Really!" He looked like a kid on Christmas.


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