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Phone Call From Ashley

-Hey Ashley.. Are you okay?

-Emma.. I'm pregnant

-Oh my god! Really?

-Emma, this is really bad

-What? why?

-Because I'm just got into a huge fight with Sean yesterday.. and I don't even know where he is

-Hey, it's gonna be okay. Just come by the station tomorrow, ok?

-Ok (deep breath) Thanks Emma

-No problem, night




I woke up and looked around the room. No one was there. I started to panic. Where's Emma? Is she okay? Where's my Marina!! I got up and ran into Marina's room. No one was there.. this is really weird. I know Violet and Henry shouldn't be here, cause it's a school day, but where's Emma and Marina? I picked up my phone (yes, I've actually gotten quite good at using it) and called Emma.

Phone Call

-Hey Killian

-Where are you, Love

-At the doctors, remember?

-oh.. do you have Marina

-Killian, I tried to wake you up this morning but you were too tired.. I told you that Marina wanted to go really bad, so I told her she could come. 

-I must have been sleeping.. I love you

-Love you too.. hey, could you go down to the station today? I won't be able to make it, and David will need help

-okay, love.. see you tonight

-thank you! Love you

-I love you too

End Call


I was holding the envelope with my babies gender inside. Should I open it? No, I should wait til I'm with Killian.. Well, he won't know I looked.. NO! I have to wait. I put the paper in my purse and remembered that I had to go to the station for Ashley..I guess Killian and I could both work today


"Yes mommy?" She says as I buckle her in the back seat

"Want to go see daddy?"

"Yeah!" She got super excited. We drove to the station. When we pulled up, we walked in but Killian didn't see us yet.

"ok baby.. Take this envelope and give it to daddy, ok? and don't tell him mommy's here." I whisper as I hide behind a wall.

"ok mommy" She skips to Killian and screams "DADDY" and hugs him. He jumps and then picks her up and hugs her back. She handed him the envelope and he carefully sets her down, looking around for me. He starts to open the envelope and I slowly creep behind him. I see what the gender is. 'Two Girls' it reads. I hug him from behind and he slightly jumps, then realized it was me. He turns around and hugs me.

"I'm so excited!"


It was about 6pm now, and we left to get Granny's. Ashley didn't show up, so I'll call her in the morning. Everything else was normal for the rest of the night. No one knew the gender except Killian and I yet. And Marina, who we told at Granny's. We'll probably tell Henry and Violet later tonight too. Marina was super excited. She was already thinking of names and everything. We'll tell everyone on Saturday. We'll have a mini party.

Ok, ok.. I'm sorry for the delayed short chapter.

Any ideas on what's gonna happen?

I have writer's block! 


XOXO! Thanks Hooklings! <3

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