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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading.. I knew I took a bit longer than I wanted to, to update, but I am going to switch off between this story and my other. 

The other story is called Friends or Lovers? Please go check it out :)

Killian's POV

How am I going to ask her?

Will she want to be with me?

What if she doesn't?

I can't help but wander what she's going to say. Henry and Charming both "okay-ed" it, but I'm not sure if she will. I know she built up her walls, but I hope I knocked them down. I hope it will always be my job to protect her heart, even if no one is physically trying to take it. I hope that eventually we can be a family. 

Emma's POV

3 minutes never felt like this before. I can't believe this might be true. Why am I even doing this. I mean, it's not like I'm really pregnant......right?

I had to look early.. Only one pink line.. Yes! Maybe it's just my imagination and I'm just a little late. But then the 3 minutes were up. As I picked up the pregnancy test, that I picked up from outside of town, there wasn't one line anymore. There were two.

Does this mean I'm having another child. Another child, without even being married. What if Killian isn't ready. Will he leave me? I'm not ready. I can't be a mother again. what am I going to do?

Writer's POV

As Emma sat on the counter of the bathroom she just kept thinking of the worst. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She kept asking herself about Killian and what he would think. Kept asking herself if he'd really leave her like Neal did so many years ago. What she forgot to think was that Killian isn't Neal. Killian could be happy about all of this. Maybe she was the only one scared. And this time, she has family to help her get through it. She won't be in jail this time.. She won't lose another baby.

As she continued thinking, she heard a knock at the door. Killian always knocked, even though he has the key and lives there.

He knocked on the door at the house. 


"It's open"

He opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Emma was in the bathroom still. Killian just thought she was still getting ready. 

"Love, I have a surprise for you"

Emma got nervous and tensed up."Killian, I might have one for you too," She bit her lip, tossed out the pregnancy test, and walked into the bed room.

"What is it love?" Killian said concerned.

"You first.. It's not that important anyway" She slightly smiled

"We are going out tonight" He said with a seductive grin on his face.

"We are.. I don't remember asking" She said with a smirk

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