Little Princess

483 14 5

Emma is 20 weeks along

Killian's POV

I woke up and looked next to me and found Emma sleeping peacefully. She decided that she wanted to have the wedding after our little princess arrived. I agreed.. I just can't wait to meet our little one. I walked out of my and Emma's bedroom and walked down the hall.. We had 2 spare bedrooms, Henry's room, and the nursery we just started setting up.

I walked into the nursery. It looked so empty, besides a couple buckets of paint and some things Emma wanted to put on the wall. We had the 2 dressers in there and a chair and table with a light. There was the most precious chandelier hanging in the middle. There was a box that contained the crib, and hanging over it was a black sheet we were gonna hang on the wall, along with a picture frame with a crown. I started painting the room baby pink. It was almost white, with just the slightest hint of pink. When I was about halfway through painting the room, I heard foot steps walking down the hall. Henry was with Regina, so I knew it was Emma. 

"Morning" I hear Emma say. I turn and smile, she smiles back.

"Good morning, love" I say, still painting.

"Want some help" she says as she wraps her arms around my waist and starts kissing my neck.

"of course love" I say. I turned around and handed her a paint brush and kissed her.

"Thanks" she says as she dips it in paint. She looks at me and smirks. I could tell she was thinking about something I probably wouldn't like. She laughs.

"What is it?" I say and turn around to look at her. She looked so beautiful. Her bump was getting big, so she started wearing my shirts to bed. She was only wearing one of my white t-shirts. I was wearing jeans and a white tee as well. She giggles again and turns around and starts painting.

"nothing..." she mumbles.

"okayy.. if you say so." I say and continue painting. I scream! "Emma! what the bloody hell!" I felt the paint dripping  down my right cheek as Emma laughs so hard.

"I'm so sorry" She says between giggles.

I pick up my brush and 'accidentally' get it on Emma's leg.

"Hey! you can't do it back!" she says and I laugh.

"Well Swan.. It appears that I did" she laughs and kisses me. "I love you"

"I love you too Pirate"

"And I love you too!" I say as I kiss Emma's small bump.

We finished painting and I started to set up the crib while Emma ate breakfast.


"Emma!..It's done!"

"Coming" She walked in and hugged me. The room was finally set up and all ready for our princess to arrive. "Killian.. I'm so excited!"

"Me too my love.. I can't wait to meet her" I put my arm around her and we looked at the put together room in awe. I can wait to welcome her home.

"I have an appointment today.. Today is when we were supposed to find out her gender.. you know, through sonogram."

"okay.. Let's go get ready love"

Emma's POV

We were waiting for Juliette to call us in when I felt the baby kick. I jumped and grabbed Killian's hand and put it on my stomach.

"I felt her!" he said a little to loudly.

"Emma" I hear Juliette say and I look up at her and smile. I grab Killian's hand and walked to the room. Juliette puts gel on my stomach and turns on the machine.. "Emma..Killian?"

"Yes? What is it? Is she okay?" Killian says worried. I was worried too, but couldn't speak.

"They are both fine" I sighed. 

"Oh good... Wait!? Both???" I said and Killian looks at her.

"Umm. Yes... It seems that your princess is accompanied by another little princess." She says and I look at Killian.

"Wait what?' I say

"It seems she has been hiding behind her sister.. You are having twins!"

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry I haven't updated much

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Cliffhanger!!! Sorry I haven't updated much... Annnnywaaaay... Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter is going to have a little bit of a time skip!!

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XOXO! Thanks Hooklings <3

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