Chapter 12

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QUICK NOTE: have you guys noticed the sudden outburst of Clay LaBrant fan fics? just to let you know I read all of them. so yea


Clay's POV

Amber looked very beautiful.

I would say I'm lucky to have someone like her.

She is amazing in ever way possible!

"Well, let's get walkin!" Amber said all perky.

I can tell she was excited.

So am I.

It was a short walk to the carnival. Just about 10 minutes or so.

"Which should we do first?" Gabby asked.

Gabby was a nice girl and I can totally see Colton eyeing her.

If looks could rape.

"Ohhh look! Zero Gravity! That's my favorite!" Amber shouted.

It's my favorite too. We all ran to buy a bracelet so we could go on rides.

After that we ran to Zero Gravity.

After doing a couple more rides we were hungry.

"Guys I'm hungry." I said while rubbing my tummy.

"CARNIVAL FOOD!" Amber screamed really loud earning strange looks from other people.

We all laughed.

Practically we all split up because we wanted different things.

Amber and I were together. of course.

Gabby and Colton went together. Probably to make out in a porti potty.

Why do I keep having weird thoughts about Gabby and Colton?

I just think they would be really good together.

Then last but not lease Lexie and Alex went together. I can see them together also.

Amber and I got corn dogs. we decided to share a large lemonade, funnel cake, and deep fried Oreos.

After we ate we had no idea where the others went but we didn't feel like looking.

So we went on the Ferris Wheel.

When we got to the top Amber pulled out her phone and said "I've always wanted to do this!"

I asked "what?"

She looked at me then kissed me and snapped a picture but we held the kiss a little longer.

I laughed at her because of her weirdness.

"Awwwe! look how cute this is!" She said.

I have to admit the picture was adorable.

"That's so adorable! make sure to send it to me!" I said back and slowly after the Ferris Wheel ride came to a stop.

We got off and started walking around, played a few games and still haven't found are friends yet.

I wonder what they are doing.

Colton's POV

Ok, I will admit I like Gabby.

She's very very pretty and she's got an amazing personality!

We were hanging around after we ate just walking around.

I want to tell her my feelings but how do you do that?

I've asked out girls before but that was easy because they were practically kissing my feet but gabby is different.

She's not swooning over me, telling me how hot I was or that she wants to screw me.

I know girls at my school are weird!

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" I blurted out.

Fuck, didn't mean to do that!

"oh, umm depends on who you are talking about." She said.

What was she talking about?

"what?" I asked.

"I mean friends and family told me but never someone like you." She said and blushed.

She looks adorable when she blushes!

"Well now someone like me has. I think you are very pretty!" She giggled

"Thank you." She said under her breath and blushed even more.

"well you are cute too." She said all smiley.

I felt my cheeks redden.

This has never happened to me before.

I'm falling hard.

Alex's POV

Lexie was a special retard.

She is awesome though and hot.

Like very hot. Lexie left to use the bathroom. I quickly ran to a game.

You had to shoot an arrow and pop the balloons.

It was too easy.

I won a stuffed bunny.

I wrote on the tag with a sharpie I found on the ground

'I think you are very cute, but it's hard to say that to your pretty face. I also like you a lot. Do you like me?'

When she came back I gave her the bunny.

She found the tag and read it.

I am so nervous right now.

She smiled very widely.

"I do like you a lot and I'm glad you feel the same way about me." She said then kissed me cheek.

"Thanks for the bunny by the way!" I laughed at her.

I wonder what everyone else is doing right now and if there day is going as good as mine is.



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