Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

I've gotten over Lexie being gone.

My mom says I'm able to do stuff now. Not like I wasn't before.

Clay invited me, Gabby, and Colton to go to Sky Max, an all trampoline room later today.

My mom got Gabby and me new penny boards. Gabby and me are skaters, but mine broke awhile before I moved and Gabby said some kid stole hers.

My penny board has a black and purple swirly pattern with sparkles and blue wheels. It's name is Galaxy.

Gabby's board has a blue and white striped pattern also with sparkles and black wheels named Skie.

Gabby and me took our boards for a ride.

"Finally I can get back to doing what I love!" I said to Gabby.

"agreed!" She said with a big smile.

We took off down the street. Doing small tricks and stuff.

I try to be careful because I'm a little rusty from my long break.

"How about we go to the skate park?" Gabby suggested.

I nodded and we went into the direction of the skate park.




Me and Gabby pulled up to the skate park.

We saw the sign


Who listens to that shit?

There are a lot of teenage boys here on skate boards, scooters, and bikes.

No other girls around.

I find it a little awkward considering back home there was girl skaters every where.

I also noticed no one else had a penny board.

"Ready to show some mother fuckers what girls are all about?" I asked Gabby.

She smiled and we fist bumped.

We started going slow at first before we would whip out our tricks. I'm a big show off I'll admit. If I'm good at something, you are gonna know and you are gonna see it.

"Aye look! 2 little girls showin up here thinkin they can skate!" I hear a random guy say.

I immediately stop. So did Gabby so I'm assuming she heard what he said.

I turned around.

"What!" me and Gabby both snapped.

We hate when guys are sexist!

"oh sassy too! so you think you can just come in here and skate?" The same guy said.

Ok, now he's just pissing me off.

"We don't think we know." I said to him.

"Prove it." Me and Gabby look at each other.

We know what to do. We came up with a little routine a while ago for fun. We never knew it would come in handy.

"Ok, prepare to shit yourself." Gabby said.

She always said the funniest things! The guys looked a little taken back, but that's what we were looking for.

We started skating and doing our routine. It had all of the best tricks in it. I kept looking at the guys, they were in shock. Who knew a girl could do such a thing?

Hint the sarcasm.




When we were finished we rolled back to the boys who were speechless.

Which caused me to smirk.

I love showing people off. Gabby did too, she had a little smirk going too.

"Wow. that was amazing! I was totally wrong about you!" He said flirtatiously.

Wait, is he flirting with me?

ew, he's like 18!

Then he slowly started touching my arm while looking at me deeply. This is getting creepy! I had enough with this douche snozel!

I did what I had to do and I straight up pimp slapped him across the face. He was shocked and in pain at the same time.

Gabby bursted out laughing. The guys had a chorus of 'ohhhhhs' I laughed myself.

"You little bitch!" The guy said.

I heard Gabby immediately stop laughing and say 'uh oh' under her breath.

Damn right 'uh oh' no one calls me a bitch.

He was holding his face, but I could see a red mark poking out of the side of his face.

I did hit him pretty hard. Other people noticed it too. They either laughed their asses off or were in shock at what they just witnessed.

I remember that this guy just called me a 'bitch' usually I would think of a smart comeback, but this sexist douche pissed me off.

I got really furious and right hooked the guy in the face, causing him to fall over on the ground. I was getting ready to leave when Gabby stopped me.

She walked over and kicked the guy in the balls really hard.

"Never call my friend a bitch!" She then spat on his face.

The guy's friend were laughing too hard to care.

"Oh, Gabby I do love you!" I said while laughing.

Gabby and me were laughing so hard while skating that I didn't notice that a person was in front of me.


I hit someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I said.

"It's ok!" I heard a familiar voice that could only belong to my boyfriend, Clay.

"Oh! Hey Clay!" I said to him, obviously excited to see my boyfriend.

He helped me up and gave me a hug.

"I didn't know you skate." Clay said.

I could say the same for him. I saw that he had a scooter and so did Colton.

"Really? Did you see what just happened?" I asked Clay.

I can't believe he didn't see any of that! He nodded his head.

"No." He said.

"Well there was this guy," I said looking at the guy.

"Oh my gosh he's still on the ground!" I said in shock that he was still laying there.

"I don't even want to know." Clay said and I just laughed remembering what happened.

"Well, we should go and get ready for our trampoline date." I said, and Gabby nodded agreeing with me.

I kissed Clay goodbye.

Oh, how I missed his kisses.

Gabby did whatever will Colton then we rode home to get ready for Sky Max.


I got bored so I updated :)

Thanks for 1.5K and like 50 votes!


~Love y'all, Amber Lynn

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