Chapter 1

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'Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone

Is where you go when you're alone

Is where you go to rest your bones

It's not just where you lay your head

It's not just where you make your bed

As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?


I sat in the car, in the back, next to Izzy. Mycroft was driving. Gabrielle Aplin was playing in my ears, her amazing lyrics suiting this situation perfectly. I didn't have much stuff - it all fit in the back of the car easily.

Looking out of the window at the blurring cars and roads, I thought about what I was leaving behind.

There was Helena - my best friend of ten years. She had always been my friend - and we were insane. All of the things you would see people on TV doing were things that we had done. Completely crazy chiz. We were both completely crazy idiots, to be honest. And we could come off as extremely retarded... I never though that I would be able to leave her behind so quickly - only a few weeks ago, before Jess had died, we had been making fun of a certain celebrity, mockingly twerking and sticking our tongues out and singing in terrible, out of tune voices. (Her parents weren't at home.)

There was Alice - although technically I wasn't leaving her behind - she was in London, in prison! - it felt like I was. Last time that I had left Southend-on-Sea to go to London, it had been to take her to the police and prove that she had murdered someone and taken drugs. Not something you would expect to have to do to a best friend. But that Alice - the jealous bitch who had killed someone, and had wanted to kill me - wasn't the person I missed. I didn't miss the crying at every tiny thing, the picking fights with me at any possible moment. Being the sort if person who relies on her friends a lot, I saw a glamour that wasn't even supposed to be there - someone who old be there when I needed her most, someone who cared about me and the others, someone who would help us. But that glamour was just something I wished was there, but never actually was. Because that was my weakness - I always told myself there was good in the people I wanted there to be good in - the people I cared about - but I knew that there wasn't in some people. And I could always find evidence to back myself up.

There was Natasha - damn, this was extremely weird to think about. She was the sort of person who I wouldn't expect to miss - but that's not true, I guess. We would have fights in the playgrounds - she was a black-belt in karate, and I'd had one karate lesson - I was terrible at it. She would make fun of me, I would make fun of her, she would attack me and I would try (not very successfully, without having a clue what I was doing) to get block her punches and fight back, and then end up yanking her hair out of that pony tail. All the things that would've floored Alice, crying, in half a second. But that was how we worked - we would fight like we hated each other and walk off laughing.

There was Mycroft - the man who had raised me as if I were his own daughter. He has been so kind and supportive of me. I hadn't known where I wanted to live when I had been asked, and he had pushed me towards staying with Sherlock, my real dad. Because he knew it would be best for me. I don't know why, it just was. We all knew that. Mycroft was my uncle, but I had grown up calling him Dad. He had raised me as if I were his daughter - and I wasn't going to forget that. Mycroft was important to me in a similar way to the way that my friends were, and I would miss him so much.

Finally, there was Izzy - my sister. Or my not-sister. But she was my sister, my adoptive sister. She had been adopted by Mycroft, like I had, so yes, she was my sister, just not biologically. And I would miss her so much. After thirteen years of living with her as my twin sister, we knew everything about each other. I could tell if something was wrong, or if she had done something stupid. I knew when she had a secret and when she was lying, because I saw her every day. There were tiny things that she did that gave her away to me instantly. Like, she blinked two extra times every minute, or the raise her eyebrows a fraction too high. And I always knew what her secrets were - she always told me.

Izzy wasn't my only non-biological sister from back at home. Helena was my sister. Natasha was my sister.

And I was going to miss them like hell.

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