Chapter 10

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A week after that day, the day I realised something was wrong, her body was found in an alleyway along a dingy, unsafe backstreet in London. As soon as I saw the body, after school on the Thursday it was found by the police, I knew exactly what had happened. They didn't need to call Sherlock - I told the police exactly what had happened. It was obvious - how odd they not see it? Well, I suppose Anderson was there... And Sgt. Donovan... Sherlock had told me how stupid they were.

I told them the story of what had happened.

'Allie had gone home one day, and there as something clearly different about her. She had her barely-use phone out and she was texting someone - texting me, her only contact. And she looked moderately happy.

'This upset Mason. A LOT. His whole home-life had been pretty much dedicated to making her miserable. She had tried to hide it, but she was so happy that she had made a friend.' I kept my face and voice stony. I had known her for a week - that couldn't be enough to call her my friend, I told myself. It wasn't my fault, we had used each other as outlets to t our emotions out. And that was it.

'Or at least, she had found someone to talk to. Anyway, she had a reason to live now. And it upset Mason - her brother. So he hurt her.' There were marks from once-red scars that hadn't been there a week ago. Judging by the scars... 'She's been dead for three days, but she was only put here last night. Took you long enough to find her.

'Mason beat her, her parents beat her, he smashed her phone up against her head. There are shards of glass in her hair, dumbasses! He locked her in the bathroom alone, without any food, and cut out the water, but she smashed a window. Two different types of glass, idiots! Seriously... Well, he heard and he caught her by the arm, and realised that she had a reason to be happy right now. So he smashed her head against the ground, unintentionally killing her. But, being the idiot he is, he hid her in the attic, telling her parents that she had run away. They believed him. Then, in the middle of the night, threw her around to destroy her teeth so that you can't check the dental records. But it's her.'

'You really are your fathers daughter, aren't you?' Said D.I. Lestrade, looking gobsmacked. 'And you're only thirteen?'

'Well, yeah...'

'Oh, come on!' Exclaimed Anderson.

'You aren't really going to take a statement as truth from a thirteen year old kid?' Sgt. Donovan said mockingly.

'Are you saying,' I said to the Sargent. 'That you think I'm wrong? Because I'll call Sherlock right now, and he'll say the same.'

'Go on then.'

Lets just say that it took fifteen minutes for me to call Sherlock, tell him what I had deduced, and for him to get over to the alleyway with John, and two seconds for him to tell Sgt. Donovan and Anderson that I was right.


Allie's body was taken to St. Bart's hospital, and Molly performed an autopsy, only to conform what I had already said.

I liked Molly - she was so kind.

But my dad was a clueless idiot.

Molly made an effort to look good around him, changing her hairstyles, wearing makeup. But he was so clueless. I'd seen Molly ask him if he wanted to have coffee, and he took it to mean that she meant that she would go and get him some coffee, not that she wanted to go out for coffee with him.

Why couldn't he go out with Molly?

They would go so well together...

Ok, enough with the talking-about-my-fathers-non-existent-love-life. Back to the really important problem.

I had never been to Allie's house, and I didn't know where it was, only that it wasn't too far away from mine.

So we had to find her.

The police had looked through their database to find her records, her address and her family's names.

They checked twice.

Three times.

Four times.

But there was nothing.

Allie Walters didn't exist.

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