Chapter 12

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I got in a taxi quickly, and told the driver to wait there for a moment. After crashing into John whilst running up the staircase, and telling him to go pay the driver, I rushed into the apartment I now lived in.

My sister was sitting there, waiting.

I hugged her.

We stood there for who knows how long we stood there for. Mrs Hudson, Sherlock, Mycroft and John just stood there awkwardly, waiting for us to separate. When we finally did, I went to hug the man whom I had thought was my dad for 13 years, who just stood there, awkwardly patting my back.

'You,' I said to Mycroft, after pulling backwards quickly. 'Are about as good with hugs as your brother is.'

'Nice to see you, too, Charlotte.'

I went and sat on the sofa next to Izzy. Mycroft grabbed a chair from the kitchen for himself, and took the chair from underneath the desk with Sherlock's laptop on for Mrs Hudson. Sherlock and John sat in their two chairs.

'So, what made you move to London?' I asked.

'We would have moved sooner, but I didn't want to run the risk of you meeting my dear brother,' replied Mycroft, slightly sarcastically.

'Ah, it's so nice to see you back here, too, Mycroft.'

'Well, a lot of my work is based in London -'

'Yes, because the government is here.' Sherlock interjected, rolling his eyes at his brother, who pretty much was the British Government.

'And I though it would be easier.' Mycroft continued, as if he hadn't been interrupted. 'But, unfortunately, we couldn't get you enrolled into the same school, so you'll have to live separately for the daytime.'

'Whatever!' Izzy and I exclaimed simultaneously. We would be living near enough to each other to meet up every day again - sounded good to me.

They say home is where your heart is set in stone.

Is where you go when you're alone

Is where you go to rest your bones

It's not just where you lay your head

It's not just where you make your bed

As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?


My heart was set in stone with my almost-sister. And now that we were together, I realised, it really didn't matter that we weren't in Southend anymore.

London was home.

We were home.

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