Chapter 4

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'But, why can't I just stay at home all day and do nothing, like you?' I moaned. John and Sherlock were driving me to my new school - well, they were sitting in the cab with me, to make sure I actually got there. But why did I have to go to school? I already know everything that'll ever be of use to me in life. I didn't care about the little thing like how GPS Satellites work, or that the earth is bigger than the moon, blah blah blah. It doesn't make a difference to my life, so why does it matter? They didn't even have school uniforms, is as wearing a pair of jeans and a red top with converse.

'We don't do nothing,' said John. 'We have cases.'

I knew they had no cases.

I voiced this, and Sherlock replied with, 'Well, John thinks that I should be a responsible parent, and make you go to a learny-house.'

Smiling and raising my eyebrows, I repeated the words he had just said. 'Learny-house? What the heck...'

'Not as bad as him making fun of people on honeymoons,' John replied. 'Apparently, they are called 'Sex Holidays.'

I sniggered.

Sherlock had gone and made the funniest entry to John's blog, pretending that John was on a honeymoon.

'Oh, John, just because you wish you could have such a superior mind,' Sherlock muttered. 'Just find someone, and take them on a Sex Holiday. It's not that big of a deal, is it? You say a few words to a priest, and off you go.'

'Wha- no, Sherlock! It's not that easy!' John was getting frustrated. 'Just... It's a marriage! You need to have these things called feelings. Emotions, Sherlock. And just stop calling them Sex Holidays!'

'Yes, well, that's what they are, isn't it?'

'No, Sherlock, that's not what they are.' Replied John, rolling his eyes. 'You see, this is why you need school.'


'Because listening to Sherlock speaking all day will only make people want to punch you in the face all the time.'

I couldn't argue with that.


'Everybody, this is Charlotte.' Mrs Parker said, introducing me to the thirty faces of thirty easy-to-read people who would now be my Year 9 form group.

It was form time now - basically, from what I had gathered, everyone sat in their friendship groups and did whatever.

I group of five girls clamoured around me ad soon as Mrs Parker had turned around, pretty much begging me to be their friend.

Lily, Lauryn, Jess, Katie and Milly, they all told me their names quickly and began ushering me to a huge table - or, lots of the small tables pushed together - around which all of the boys were sitting, too. The five girls introduced me to all of the guys, but if didn't bother with learning their names.

When I had looked around the classroom earlier as Mrs Parker introduced me, and immediately decided who I really wanted to be friends with. There was one awkward-looking girl sat in the corner alone, sitting as if she didn't know what to do with herself. A group of five girls sat together playing with a pack of cards. Four other girls were sat in the front, talking about something. Then the huge group of all of the boys and the five girls. Well, what 'group' would've caught your eye first?


After looking around the group of boys, something in my eye that should've told them that something was going to happen. I stood up, pushing my blue hair over my shoulder. After deciding who to single out, I spoke to them individually, not even remembering the names of the boys I was addressing.

'You,' I pointed to a boy with messy blonde hair. How come all boys would always wear some kind of casual top and trousers, and look fine, but girls had to dress up in all different clothes for different occasions. 'Stop trying to be smarter than everyone else, you're not. You're just stressing yourself out.'

I was just warming up.

'You two,' I pointed at Lily and the guy sitting next to her. 'Move further apart.' They were sitting way to close together. They jumped apart, looking extremely shocked. 'Oh, exclusive, then. You might want to try and act... Less public, then, if you don't want people you don't know to notice. You don't even like him that much, do you, Lily?' Her pupils were small, though his were dilated. 'Sorry to break your heart.' I said to the hurt-looking guy, but I didn't really care, he'd get over it really quickly.


'Lauryn... Use your phone less. It's going to damage your eyes even more, and for gods sake, wear your glasses, there's nothing wrong with it.' I told the shell-shocked girl who hadn't told anyone that she was supposed to wear glasses.

'Jess, Katie... You're right.' The two girls had been talking about how they thought that Milly was only nice to them because of their popularity. 'Milly absolutely hates your guts. She only wants popularity.'

'Thats not true!' Milly squealed defensively and pathetically, in a way that reminded me of a lying Alice, in a way.

'Theres your proof.'

Then, I stood up and walked over to the girl who was sitting on her owns everyone was staring at me.

I told you.

What 'group' of people would've immediately caught your eye. Although, technically, it wasn't a group of people.

But the shy girl in the corner who was the smartest, most mysterious, most interesting person in the class caught mine.

Understand why?

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