Chapter 18

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I don't understand why it bugged me so much, but it did.

Why didn't he remember her?

He had made himself forget her for a reason, I know. But he is Sherlock Holmes, for gods sake! He didn't from relationships well, and the one woman that he let into his life, the one person he actually cared about...

He couldn't have just forgotten her.

But he had.


'Please!' Izzy said to me over the phone. 'Just give it another try! It'll be better, I promise, it's all romantic!'

'Yes, the roof of some random hospital. So romantic.' I said. Izzy wanted me to join herself, Arthur and Harvey on the roof of St. Bart's for a 'date'. Because obviously, I wanted to go and see him again.

'Please?' She begged again. 'The view of the sunset is supposed to be great, and then when the stars come up...'

'Fine!' I exclaimed, finally, just to get her to shut up. 'But this is the last time!' I then added seriously.

'Yay! I'll see you there!' And she hung up.

I sighed.

Yay, another meeting with Harvey...

I didn't like either of them, for some reason.

Not just because they were assholes.


'Hey!' Izzy exclaimed happily. We had coincidentally turned up at Bart's at the same time, meeting at the bottom.

'Hi,' I muttered grimly. She could tell I was tense, and that I didn't want to be there. We went around Bart's and up to the roof.

Harvey and Arthur were already there.

'Hey!' Izzy bounded up to Arthur hugging him.

I just rolled my eyes.

'Well, it was nice being here!' I smiled fakely and sarcastically. But before I could leave, Izzy was holding my arm.

'Please, just stay for a bit!' She said to me. I narrowed my eyes to show her I was annoyed, but reluctantly went to join the group?

'So, how have you been?' Arthur asked us.

'Great! Well, enough with that. Why the hell did you want me to come along?' I asked, not willing to humour him anymore. 'Izzy wouldn't have invited me, she knows I don't like you, and that I'm very likely to just punch one of you in the face again. Harvey is just so clueless, so dumb, he doesn't care about me I'm the slightest. And you needed Izzy to invite me for there to be any chance of me coming, so it must've been you, as she wouldn't listen to Harvey. So why did you want to meet me, why here - oh!' I shouldn't have come here - but, actually, this might be good... He might actually be able to challenge me!

'Izzy!' Arthur was quick to interject. 'Umm... Do you thing I could just get a moment alone with Charlotte?'

Izzy looked to me, and I nodded. Seemingly reluctant to leave the girl who punches guys who piss her off in the face alone on a rooftop with her boyfriend, who the girl happens not to like, she followed Harvey back down the stairs.

'I still don't know.'

'Yes, you do.'

'Then push me.' I said simply. 'You push me, I die, you never find out. Because you wouldn't take that gamble - if I knew how he did it, I would do the same thing, and that would include hiding. So you may never find me again. If I don't know how he did it, then I'll just be a painting on the ground. Then you never will find out.'

He pulled out a gun.

'Tell me.'


'Because I'm telling you to.'

'Why would I listen to someone like you? How do I know that you would even actually pull that trigger, or that you're a good shot?'

'You know who I am.'

'Do I?'

'Its easy to pretend to have a different name.'

That wasn't possible.

'Hi, I'm Mason Walters. I believe you knew my sister?'

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