Chapter 13

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'Oh, hey, John!' I exclaimed as he walked out of his bedroom, fully dressed in casual (ish) clothes. It was 10am on Monday morning. I was sitting in front of the TV, watching some a film called Panic Room that I absolutely loved - it had Kristen Stewart and Jared Leto! - wearing an Adidas Top and some jeans, and Sherlock sat, in his usual clothes, at his laptop, tapping away at the keyboard, not acknowledging John's arrival.

'Why aren't you at school?'

'Couldn't be arsed.' Was my simple reply. I didn't need to go in anymore - I had proved that I was over Allie's death, however harsh that may sound, and I had proved that I would ditch school if I wanted to.

Seeing as I already knew everything worth knowing, I didn't see why I had to go to school, and Sherlock had agreed.

'Wha- that's not an excuse!'

I told him my other excuse.

'You know, it's the law that you have to be educated until you are 18,' said John, looking at me sternly.

He acted more like a father or mother - or any legal guardian, for that matter - should that Sherlock did...

'Well, Mycroft can change that.'

'Izzy goes to school.'

'Not my school.'


'It doesn't affect me at all.'

'You need an education.'

'I need a challenge!'

'You sound like your dad.'

'You sound like a mum.'

We looked at each other for a moment, and then our faces broke into smiles, and we burst out laughing.

'You still need to go to school!' Said John a few moments later, after we had stopped laughing and calmed down.

'John, do you never listen to a word I say?' Sherlock jumped to my aid. He pointed to his head. 'This is my hard drive, and I only download what's important, so I have to delete the unnecessary things. She needs to delete the unnecessary things - and really doesn't need to download any extras!'

John raised his eyebrows at Sherlock. 'She's a kid.'

'She's my kid.' Said Sherlock awkwardly. 'And she's smarter than you. And all other mediocre adults.'

'Thanks,' muttered John sarcastically, still trying to stare down his best friend. But it wasn't very easy.

'Fine,' John finally stopped bugging me.

'Now, then.' Said Sherlock. 'I just have to go to court, I'll be back by three o'clock.' He said simply, pulling on his jacket.

'Oh, god,' I said, widening my eyes, sarcastically and jokingly. 'What illegal videos did you download now?'

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