storyshift chara gets kidnapped

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Storyshift chara was sleeping in a bed still unconscious then she got up and looked around as she yawned.

"Where am i?" Storyshift chara asked as she rub her head then someone turned on the lights and it reveal to be a clown with a pointy nose and he was wearing black and white.

"I'm great you here kiddo! I'm laughing Jack the!-"

Storyshift chara screamed as she begin to throw a pan at lj forehead and he scream in pain.

"Youre a clown?! Get real!" Storyshift chara said as she looked pissed." Let me go now pointy nose!"

"No can't do kid, I'm laughing Jack from creepypastas and look at that chest! I'll just have a peek.." lj said as he came closer.

"NO! You son of a pervert !" Storyshift chara said as she throw a boot at him in the forehead.

"But just a peek.." lj lied as he try  to come closer.

"What the hell did I just tell you?!!?'' Storyshift chara said and she throw a another shoe, a another pan, and three rocks she just found.

Then LJ was in the floor because storyshift chara throw some stuff at him.

"I'm storyshift chara!! I'm from undertale alternate universes!" Storyshift chara said as she grab a chocolate bar from her pocket but LJ grabs the chocolate from her.

"HEY!! You  shit! That was mines!" Storyshift chara yell.

"I'm sorry just follow me into the kitchen."  Lj said as he go to the kitchen as Storyshift chara had hide her phone in her pocket. And she followed him into the kitchen as LJ tied her with rope as he  throw her into the basement with osana najimi who was tied.

"Osana you're here?" Storyshift chara ask.

"Yeah! SOMEBODY HELP HELP!!" Osana scream.

"Yep...this is gonna be a long day." Storyshift chara said with a annoyed look.

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