underfell sans and underfell lizzie does the Bean boozled challenge

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Underfell sans and underfell lizzie  were in the kitchen and they were doing the Bean boozled challenge, and underfell asriel was recording them.

"All right monsters and humans, me and my girlfriend underfell lizzie are doing the Bean boozled challenge."

"We got to eat something good or bad jelly beans." Underfell lizzie said.''you ready sans?"

"Yep babe!" Underfell sans said.

Underfell sans  spin the wheel and he got a yellow jelly bean picked up the yellow jelly bean.

"Ok, it's gonna be top banana or pencil shavings." Underfell sans to the camera."I'm eating it."

Underfel sans eats the yellow jelly bean and he got top banana.

"I got top banana!" Underfell sans said.

"My turn!" Underfell lizzie spin the wheel and she got blue Said as she grab the baby blue jelly bean."it is gonna be toothpaste or blueberry."

Underfell lizzie eats the baby blue jelly bean and then she got toothpaste favor one.

"Mm? Toothpaste is not bad." Underfell lizzie said.

Underfell sans  spin the wheel and he got the light orange light jelly bean grab light orange jelly bean and said.

"All right this is gonna be peach or barf."

Underfell sans eats the light orange jelly bean and then he got the barf favor one and then he spit it out and go to the bathroom and throw up and then he came back.

"Hahaha! That was funny!" Underfell amu laughed while recording.

"Shut up amu!" Underfell sans said.

Now it was underfell lizzie's turn so she spin the wheel and the color she got the light yellow jelly bean it gonna be caramel corn or moldy cheese. Then she eats it but then she spit it out.

"Ew!! This is gross!!" Underfell lizzie gagged as she grab a bucket and throw up.

"Hahaha! I can't stop laughing!!!" Underfell amu laughed so hard while holding the camera and she was cracking up.

"Amu screw you!" Underfell lizzie said.

Now it was underfell sans turn and he spin the wheel and the color he got is Brown it was gonna be chocolate pudding or dog canned dog food. So begin to eat it and  luckily, underfell sans got chocolate pudding.

"Yay!! I got chocolate pudding!" Cheered underfell sans.

" ugh,Okay my turn." Sigh underfell lizzie.'' I hope I get lucky."

Underfell lizzie spin the wheel and she got the white one and hopefully she gets coconut or baby wipes. And she begin to eat it but luckily she got coconut but she spit it out and she didn't like coconut.

''I spit it out, because I didn't like coconut is that count?" Asked underfell lizzie.

"Yeah it does babe."  Replied Underfell sans.

It was underfell sans turn and he spin the wheel and he got green is he gonna get juicy pear or booger?
Underfell sans eats the green jelly bean and he was lucky because he got juicy pear.

"Hmm? Not bad I got juicy pear." Said undefell sans.

Underfell lizzie spins the wheel and she got the red jelly bean hopefully she gets strawberry  jam or centipede. Then she got the strawberry one and she smiled.

"Yes! I got the strawberry one!" Cheered underfell lizzie.

Underfell sans spins the wheel and he got the light white yellow jelly bean one is he gonna get buttered popcorn or rotten egg? And slowly eats it and then he got rotten egg and he spits it out and throws up in the bucket.

"Fuck!! I got rotten egg!" Underfell sans grab his toothbrush and put toothpaste in it and brush his teeth.

Now it was final turn and underfell lizze's turn and she got the black jellybean will she get licorice or skunk spray?  Underfell lizzie begin eats the jelly bean and the favor is licorice and she won.

"Yes I won!" Underfell lizzie shout happy as she jump up and down.

Then Samantha and sofia started to cry by underfell lizzie's shouting, as underfell papyrus came downstairs holding the twins in his arms.

"Lizzie what the hell is going on?!" Underfell papyrus asked as underfell amu showed him the whole video.

"Yeah yeah boss, laugh." Underfell sans said as he holds underfell lizzie's hand and he begin to laugh hard and underfell amu had just holds the twins.

Underfell sans and lizzie go to their rooms and they never wanna do that challenge again.

Underfell papyrus had just stopped laughing and begin to hold Samantha and underfell amu holds Sofia.

"So funny." Underfell papyrus said making Samantha cooe and yawn including Sofia too.

"I love you my two little girls."

Underfell papyrus kiss Samantha and Sofia in the cheeks and puts Samantha in her black bassinet and sofia in her red bassinet so they Can calm down, and the twins did so and begin to fell asleep again.

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