Chapter 9

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"When are you guys gonna leave?" I questioned.

"Never," Jade said.

"You guys you don't even know me so why are you being so nice to me?" I said.

"We're being nice to you because we want to be FRIENDS with you," Alice said, "Duh."

"Why though?" I questioned.

"Duh, you are freaking hilarious!! You smack talked Ian and you didn't even flinch, I wanna be friends with a girl who can do that," Jake laughed.

"Your just... interesting to me," Ian said.

"Shut up! Beanstalk!! I'm not that interesting," I raised my voice.

"PFT, HAHAHAHAH!!!" Jade and Alice laugh.

"Beanstalk?! Oh my GOD I love it!!" Alice says.

"How did you come up with that Alex?" Jade asked.

"Well... When I first ran into him the first thing I noticed was how tall he was and beanstalks are tall... so I just called him Beanstalk, I mean look at him he's a GIANT!" I answered.

"I'm not that tall you guys," Ian said.

"Dude you are literally the tallest person here, you're like two of me," I said.

"No I'm not, how tall are you?" He asked.

"5'1 and a half," I said quietly.

"What?" Ian asked.

"5'1 and a half," I shouted.

"Haha, your short," Jacob said.

"Shut it, it's not my fault you're all FREAKING GIANTS!!" I hate when people mock my height.

"And it's not our fault you so FREAKING SHORT!!" Jake mocked me.

"UGH!! I'm hungry!" I said as I walked off to the kitchen.

I opened the pantry then the fridge, I literally have no food.

"Ahhhhh! How much money do I have?" I whispered to myself, "Hey! Do you guys want pizza?"

"YES!!" they all yelled in unison.

"Jeez ok, i'm only getting cheese though!" I shouted, "DO you guys have any money?"

"I do," Ian and Jacob said in unison.

"How much do you need?" Jacob asked.

"I need..." I did the math in my head, " about $23.00."

"I have $10.00," Jacob said.

"I have $5.00," Ian said.

"Ok and I have $10.00, so we have $25.00," I said.

The boys got up to give me their money and I ordered a large cheese pizza, I took the pizza an hour to get here, I was so happy when it was put into my hands.

"I get first slice," Jacob said running towards me.

I dodged him by spinning around, he face planted on the floor.

"Umm I don't think so," I say as I open the box to grab a slice.

"Gimegimegime!!" Jade said running towards the pizza.

We ate the pizza really quickly, it didn't surprise me, because there were 4 boys there they devoured the pizza like they haven't eaten in a week. The pizza was so good, but that was the last of my money, I'm gonna have to get a job.

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