Chapter 8

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*Peter's POV cont.*

I bursted into tears. Dakota grabbed my hand and brought me inside. She shut the door. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to the couch. She sat me down. Dakota walked into the kitchen. I touched my face and it hurt so bad. I looked at my hand and there was a lot of blood on my hand. Dakota came back and sat down next to me. She wiped my face down, taking the glass out of my face. Dakota kissed my lips. "What happened?" Dakota asked, wiping my hand. "Eric was mad because a nurse found about my bruises. I threatened Eric that I will call the cops. He shattered my phone and beat me. I couldn't take it anymore. I start fighting back and he hit me harder. He eventually threw a glass vase at my face. I'm so done with life, Dakota." Dakota hugged me tightly. "Let's runaway. Far away from here." "Peter, we can't runaway. You need to report Eric." "He will fucking kill me!" I shouted. "Not when I'm with you. Just live here, Peter." I heard a knock on the door. I pulled away. "Who's that?" I asked. "I don't know." I got up and ran into her kitchen. I ducked down. "Jasmine, what are you doing here?" I heard sobs. "Here, come in." I heard Dakota say. I heard a door shut. "So what's wrong?" Dakota asked. "I've been eating a lot. I've been having morning sickness. I got these weird craving. I've been missing my periods. I went to the doctors today. I got a pregnancy test," Jasmine said. "And?" "It's positive. 3 months." "That's great! Right?" "It's with my dad's baby." "Oh Jasmine. I'm so sorry. Now what are you gonna do?" "Well I'm..." I sneezed. "Who's that?" Jasmine asked. I stood up. "Uh hey Jasmine," I said, walking into the room. "What the fuck? What is going on?" "I thought you might've been Eric so I hid." "Wait are you two together?" I sat down next to Dakota. "Yes," I said. "Great, this day keeps getting better." "Jasmine, what are you gonna do with your kid?" Dakota asked. "I'm gonna raise this kid. I'm gonna be hardcore judged but there's nothing I can do." "I'm here for you," Dakota said, smiling. "My mom doesn't know I'm pregnant. It's gonna be hard telling her it's with my dad's baby." "Does your dad know?" I asked. "Yup. Now, he won't leave me alone. He loves me even more. It's so messed up." "When will you tell your mom?" Dakota asked. "When my belly begins to show. Anyways, I gotta go before my dad gets mad," Jasmine said, standing up. "Bye, Jasmine," Dakota said, hugging Jasmine. "Bye," she said. Jasmine looked at me. "Bye Peter." I opened up my arms and Jasmine hugged me. "Bye," I said. She let go of me and left. "So, we are alone," I said, smirking. "Peter," Dakota giggled as she playfully hit me. She was blushing. I picked her up and laid her down on the couch. I laid on top of her. She wrapped her legs around my waist. "God, you're a fucking angel," I said, rubbing her cheek. Dakota kissed my lips. "I'm tired," she said, rubbing her eyes. I picked her up. She had her legs wrapped around me as I carried her into her room. I laid her down on the bed. "Peter?" "Yes baby?" I asked. "Do you wanna have sex?" she asked, smirking. "Yes," I said, smiling. I took off my clothes, I took off hers and we fucked. After, she laid her head on my chest. I looked down and saw that she was sleeping. I got up quietly and put some clothes on. I walked out of the room. I grabbed my keys. I drove to Jasmine's house. Probably not the best idea but I'm gonna go for it. I got to Jasmine's house. I went around the house and I saw her window with a fire escape. I climbed up it and knocked on the window. Jasmine put down her book and looked at me. She got up and walked over to the window. She opened it up. "Hey Peter, why are you here?" "I wanted to see how you are doing." "Would you like some coffee?" "Sure." "Wanna come in?"  "I can stay here. It's fine." "Okay I'll be back." Jasmine left her room. About five minutes later, Jasmine came back with two cups. She kneeled down next to the window. "Here," she said, handing me the cup. "Thank you," I said, as I took a sip. "It's a nice night," I said, looking at the sky. "Peter, you know you have hickeys right?" Jasmine asked, giggling. "Shit I do?" "Yeah." "Fucking Dakota is gonna pay," I said, chuckling. "Why is your face all cut up?" "Because Eric threw a glass vase at my face." "That's awful," she said, rubbing my cuts. "I should getting back to Dakota's place," I said, handing her my cup. "Why?" "I don't want her worrying." "Okay. I'll see you soon," Jasmine said. "Goodnight," I said, hugging her. "Goodnight Peter," she said, hugging me.  I left her house. I got back to Dakota's place. I walked inside. Dakota was standing there with her arms crossed. She has a crop top and short shorts on. "Hey darling," I said, smiling. "Where the hell have you been?" "I went to get a midnight snack." "And you didn't tell me you were going out for a midnight snack?" "Do you really need to know where I am 24/7?"  "You were with Jasmine, weren't you?" "No I wasn't," I said. "I know you are lying to me." "Why the hell do you care?" "Cause I can't trust my fucking boyfriend." "You are such a little controlling bitch. Stay out of my life." Dakota's eyes widened. "Okay. I'll stay out of your life," she said, walking away. She walked into her room. She came back out with a pillow and blanket and threw it on the couch. "Babe, I'm sorry." "It's fine," she said, her voice all shaky. She walked into her room. I felt really bad for what I said. She does need to stop being so controlling. I laid down on the couch. I looked up at the ceiling. A couple minutes later, I decided to go talk to Dakota. I walked into her room. She had her eyes closed. I walked over and laid down next to her. I wrapped my arms around her. "I thought you wanted me to stay out of your life," Dakota said, rolling over to face me. "I didn't mean anything I said. I need you in my life. You help me a lot." "I'm always here for you, Peter." "I trust you more than Jasmine. You help me more than she does. You are my crutch. When I'm fall, you pick me up. I made so many mistakes but you are still with me." "Cause I love you, Peter. I could never leave you no matter how mad you make me. I care about you too much to let you go." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Do I have to sleep on the couch?" I asked. Dakota giggled. "No, you can stay in here." "I wasn't gonna move either way I said, chuckling. "You better not take up all my blanket," Dakota said, trying to act serious. "I won't don't worry. But there is a slight problem." "And what is that?" "I had coffee and I can't sleep." "Let's watch a movie then," Dakota said, getting up. "You really wanna watch a movie?" "Yes, we can watch a scary movie," Dakota said, happily. "Annabelle?" I asked. "Yes!" Dakota grabbed my hand and ran out of the room. We sat down on the couch. Dakota turned on the movie. "Do you want some popcorn?" Dakota asking, looking at me. "Yesss," I said. "I can melt chocolate for it," Dakota said. "I can melt it. You worry about the popcorn." We walked into the kitchen. I put a pan on the stove and Dakota gave me the chocolate. I stirred the chocolate. "Babe, that's not how you do it," Dakota said. She stood behind me and grabbed my arms. She laid her head on my back. She moved my arms. "You are so adorable," I said. She looked at me and smiled. She let go of me and turned around. She walked away. All of a sudden, Dakota slipped and slammed her head on the ground. Blood came out of her head. I turned off the stove and ran to her. I kneeled down beside her. She was crying, holding her head. I took off my shirt and held it against her head. "You're okay," I said, as I picked her up. I rushed her to the hospital.

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