Chapter 24

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*Peter's POV cont.*

"Do you still have feelings for Jasmine?" Dakota asked. I stopped walking. "You did not just ask that," I said. "I'm just..." I chuckled at how stupid the question was. I kept walking. "You aren't going to answer my question?" Dakota asked, catching up to me. "It's a stupid question to ask me so no, I'm not going to answer." We walked in silence. We got to the car. "I called the ambulance for Eric and they took him away." "Okay. I don't really want to see him at the hospital. I need rest," I said. "Okay, sounds good," Kam sad. We got into the car. We got back to Kam's house. I walked upstairs to "my" room. I laid down on the bed. Dakota walked in. "I want to know whether or not you still have feelings for Jasmine and don't give me a fucking attitude about it," Dakota said, raising her voice and crossing her arms. I sighed and sat up. "Dakota, I don't like Jasmine, okay? I don't know why you think I do." "I was just curious." "You can't even trust me?" "Peter, I trust you." "Apparently, you don't because you just asked me if I liked her." "Whatever, Peter," Dakota said, walking towards the door. "Dakota, wait." She turned around and she looked at me. "Come here." "No." "Please come here." Dakota sighed and walked over to me. She sat down next to me on my bed. I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry," I said. "It's whatever." "I love you, sweetheart," I said. "I love you too, Peter," Dakota said, smiling. "Do you want me to make you some dinner?" I asked. "Could we go out to dinner?" "Of course, boo." "Let me change into something nice," Dakota said, getting up. "You look fine." "No! I'm changing." Dakota grabbed her bag and walked into the bathroom. She was wearing a red, strapless high low dress and she was wearing makeup, too. "You look so beautiful but you don't need to wear makeup, baby. You're beautiful either way." "I need to hide the cuts and bruises Eric gave me." "Well you look stunning either way," I said, smiling. She walked over to me and smiled. Dakota hugged me tightly. "You make me feel secure," she said, burying her face into my chest. "That's my job," I said, smiling. "There'll be no sunlight, if I lose you baby," Dakota sang. "That's my girl." She let go of me. "Let's go eat," Dakota said. "Okay." We walked upstairs. "Wow, someone's looking looking fancy," Kam said, checking Dakota out. "Yo, keep your eyes to yourself," I said to Kam. "Where are you going?" Kam asked. "Somewhere to eat dinner." "Could I come?" Kam asked. "Can I come, too?" Phil ask. I sighed. "I was happy to go alone with Dakota." "Yo! They're gonna have some fun after," Kam said, smirking. "Okay, you guys can come." "Yess," they both said. "Let's go." We went to a restaurant. "Hello, how may I help you?" this lady asked. "Table for four please," I said. "Right this way," she said, grabbing some menus. We followed her to a table that had a window view. We sat down. "Aw you guys are such an adorable couple," I said as Kam and Phil were looking at the menu. "Shut up," Phil said. Dakota giggled. "You know that there's another menu right here," Dakota said, handing Phil a menu. "Thanks." We looked at the menus. "Hello, my name is Lindsay. What would you guys like to drink?" "Can I get a pepsi?" Phil asked. "Sure." "I'll have a sprite," Kam said. "Me and my girl would like to share a rootbeer please," I said. "Okay, are you guys ready to order your dinner?" "Not yet," I said. "Okay, I'll be back soon." She walked away. I looked at Dakota. She was looking at her menu so cutely. "My lil darling," I said, leaning my forehead against the side of her head. Dakota turned and looked at me. She kissed my lips. "Yo get a room," Kam said. "Don't be jealous cause you don't have a girlfriend," I said. "Kam, I'll be your girlfriend," Phil said. "Bro, how many drinks have you had?" I asked Phil. "It's a joke." "Here, you guys go," Lindsay said, placing the drinks down. "Thank you," I said. "Are you guys ready to order your food?" "Uh yes. I'll have a cheeseburger with French fries," I said. "I'll have some pasta, please," Dakota said. "I'll have a cheeseburger as well," Kam said. "I'll have some pizza," Phil said. "Okay, I'll be right back." The waiter walked away. Me and Dakota took a sip of the drinks. "Aww such a cute couple," Phil said. "You and Kam are an adorable couple, too," I said. "We try," Kam said, wrapping his arm around Phil. "You guys are so weird," Dakota said, laughing. "You love us," I said wrapping my arms around Dakota. "Peter?" I heard someone call out.. I looked over and saw a girl walking toward our table. "Who's she?" Dakota whispered. "Peter Gene Hernandez, is that really you?" I looked at Kam and Phil. They looked at me, confused. I looked back at the girl. She had beautiful blond hair with green eyes. "Do I know you?" I asked. "My name is Brooke." "I don't know a Brooke." "We were in 6th grade together. We dated till the beginning of 9th grade. We went to different high schools so that's why we broke up because it wasn't working out." "Woah wait, I remember you. You were my first girlfriend. How are you? I can't believe you remember me," I said. "I'm good and yeah it's funny. Who is this?" "Brooke, this is my girlfriend, Dakota." "You are a beautiful girl, Dakota," Brooke said, smiling. "Thank you, you too." "Peter, quick question." "What is it?" "Can I have your number? I know it may be weird for me to ask since we were dating before and we stopped talking," Brooke asked. "Sure," I said, smiling. I gave her my number. "I'll see you around, Mars," she said, smiling. She walked away. She must know I'm a singer. I looked at Dakota. "Really?" She said, crossing her arms. "Oh my fucking god. Give me a break. Are you jealous of her too?" "Peter, she's your ex." "And?" "Whatever, Peter." She took a sip from her drink. "I'll be back," she said, softly. I moved out of the way so she could get out of the booth. "Really, Peter?" Kam asked. "Oh my god, she's just a friend." "That's how Jasmine was until you dated her behind Dakota's back. You're really pushing her trust away, huh?" Phil asked. "Stop talking about this. I love Dakota so much. Why do you guys suspect that I'm going after Brooke?" "A person who was once a cheater will always be one. Dakota was nice enough to give you a 500th chance. You better not screw this up. She's so sweet and beautiful. You really need to be careful. Poor thing gets broken all the time. Really shocked she's still with you," Kam said. "Shut the fuck up, okay?" "I'm going to check up on her cause apparently you don't care about how she's feeling right now," Kam said. "Nope, I'm going," I said, standing up. "Where did she go?" I asked. "Outside," Kam said. I walked outside to Dakota sitting on the curb, holding a stick. Dakota looked at me and smacked me with the stick. "I deserved that," I said. She sighed at me. "What is wrong with our relationship?" Dakota asked, laying her head against my shoulder. "I'm so stupid. That's the problem." "It's okay." "No it's not. I'm so stupid." "Shut up, Peter." She was shivering a bit. I wrapped my jacket around Dakota. "I love you Dakota." "I love you too." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

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