Chapter 21

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*Dakota's POV*

I woke up in the hospital. Phil was sitting next to me. "What happened?" I groaned. "Jasmine shot you in the stomach. To be honest, I don't know how you are alive," Phil said. I started to remember what happened. "Where's Peter?" I asked. "Peter got shot, too." "Is Peter okay?" I asked. "He's fine. He's in the room down the hall with Kam." "Where's Jasmine?" "I shot her. She's not dead but she's badly injured." "I can't believe that Eric sent Jasmine to shoot Peter." "I know. How did this happen?" "Well, Peter got up and was going to the bathroom. When Peter walked out, Jasmine was pointing a gun at Peter. I told her to put the gun down. I guess Eric sent her to kill Peter. Well Jasmine shot me and then she shot Peter." "Wow. I can't believe that," Phil said. "When am I able to leave?" i asked. "I don't know." There was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said. Kam walked inside. "Hey, Dakota. How are you feeling?" "I'm alright. How's Peter?" "He's fine. A little in pain. You guys should be able to leave today." "Sweet." "Uh Phil, can I talk to Dakota alone?" "Of course." Phil got up and walked out of the room. Kam sat down in the chair. Kam looked at the ground and sighed. "Dakota, I'm sorry for treating you like shit," Kam said, looking up at me. "It's whatever." "I shouldn't have told you to go upstairs and to calm down." "It's alright, Kam." "Are you sure?" "Yes." Kam looked at the ground. "Hey, can you help me go see Peter?" I asked. "Sure." Kam helped me up. "Can you walk?" Kam asked. "It's painful but I got it." We walked out of the room. A nurse walked over to us. "Dakota, what are you doing?" the nurse asked. "Going to see Peter. Is that fine?" I asked. "I guess." "Thanks." We walked down the hall to Peter's room. I opened the door. "Peter, baby, how are you..." There he was. Eric sitting next to Peter. Kam grabbed me and hid me behind him. "Eric, what are you doing here?" Kam asked. Peter looked at me like he was so scared. "Just visiting my favorite sibling," he said, smiling. "Eric, please leave," Kam said. "Okay," he said, grinning. He leaned in and kissed Peter's forehead. He got up and walked out of the room. I ran to Peter. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" "No, I'm fine baby," Peter said. "Did he say anything to you?" "No." "Then what was he doing here?" I asked. "He was just looking at me." I sat down on his bed next to him. "Peter, what did he say to you?" "Nothing." I looked at Kam. "Just drop it," he mouthed. "Baby, I'm sorry you got shot," Peter said. I looked at Peter. "It's not your fault." "It is. If I didn't date Jasmine before and pissed off Eric, this wouldn't have happened." "Stop, Peter. Come on, Kam," I said. I stood up. "Where are you going?" Peter asked, sadly. "Jasmine needs a little visit. I'll be back. I promise. Let's go, Kam," I said, walking out of the room. Kam followed. "Do you know where Jasmine's room is?" I asked Kam. "No." "Excuse me, doctor, do you know where Jasmine's room? She's got blue eyes and blond hair." "Ah follow me." We followed the doctor. We stopped in front of Jasmine's room. "She's in this room." "Thank you." I opened up the door. Me and Kam walked inside the room. Jasmine looked up at me. I walked over to her. "Karma's a bitch, huh?" I asked, laughing. Jasmine groaned. "Phil did a good job. Except you aren't dead. That would be awesome." "Why are you so mean to me?" Jasmine asked. "Are you serious? No wonder why Peter went back to me. You're so stupid." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Kam next to me. He smiled at me. I looked at Jasmine. "See you in hell, bitch," I said as I punched her in the face. Kam wrapped his arm around me and we walked out. He let go of me. "So why didn't you stop me or say something to me when I was rude to her or punched her?" I asked. Kam smiled and chuckled. "She fucking shot you and Peter. Of course she deserves getting beat up." "I love you, Kam," I said, laughing and playfully pushing him. "She's such a bitch. To think I liked her too." "You didn't know how psycho she is." "She is psycho." We walked to Peter's room. "What do you think Eric said to Peter?" I asked. "Probably to watch his back or something stupid," Kam said. I opened up Peter's door and walked in. Peter looked up, startling. "Peter, it's just us. Don't worry," I said. "Hey baby. How was Jasmine?" "I knocked her out." "You knocked her out?" Peter asked. "Yup. Called her a bitch and knocked her out." "Dakota, that's not nice." "Peter, she shot us. She deserved it." "Dakota, you can't fight fire with fire." "Why is it that Kam loved that I knocked her out and you don't?" "Cause, Dakota, you cannot fight fire with fire." "That's bullshit, Peter." "But Dakota, you..." "Yeah yeah you can't fight fire with fire. What drugs are you on?" I asked. "Dakota, baby, please don't be mad at me." "Okay. Let's go Kam. We need to find Phil," I said, walking to the door. "No goodbye kiss or hug?" Peter asked. I walked over to Peter and hugged him. "I love you," I said, looking into his eyes. "I love you too, my sweetheart. Will you come and visit?" "Of course." I kissed her lips. I heard the door open. "Yo guys," Phil said. "Hey Phil," Peter said. "Thanks for leaving me," Phil said, walking into the room. "You could've come with us," I said. "Well Kam helped you out of the room." "And?" "I don't know," Phil said. "I knocked out, Jasmine," I said, smiling. "Dude, good job," Phil said, running to me. He held up his hand and I high-fived him. "Thanks." "How?" "Well I went to her room, called her a bitch, told her it would've been better if she was dead and then I punched her in the face." "Good job, girl," Phil said, chuckling. "You told her it would've been better if she was dead" Peter asked. "Yup." "That's my girl," he said, smirking. "What happened to don't fight fire with fire?" "Well, you did a really good job, to be honest." "Jasmine's psycho. I'm glad I did what I did." "Where did you shoot her?" Kam asked Phil. "Both legs and back. I didn't want to kill her but i wanted her to know how it feels to be shot." "Good job, Phil," I said, smiling. "Alright Dakota, let's go," Kam said. "Okay. Phil, can you stay here with Peter?" "Of course." "Just tell the doctors why," I said. "Okay." "Bye babe," I said to Peter. "Bye cutie pie." I kissed Peter's lips and left. Kam drove me to his house. We walked inside. "Hey you should get some rest. It's about 5am even though it doesn't feel like it," Kam said. "Okay." I went upstairs into my room. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up screaming and crying. I looked at the time and it was 7am. Kam ran into the room. "Dakota, what's wrong?" he asked, walking over to me. He sat down next to me. "I had a dream that Jasmine killed me and Peter." "Aww don't cry. It's okay." I laid my head on Kam's shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him. "Can you stay with me?" I asked. "Of course." We laid down. Kam wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face into his chest. I feel guilty that I'm cuddling with Kam. I don't know if I should be doing this. Kam smells so good though. It makes me feel safe if that is even possible. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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