Chapter 18

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*Dakota's POV cont*

We got out of the car. We walked over to the person. "Guys, I'm really sorry," the person said. "Travis?" I asked. "Dakota?" "Yo, watch where you are going," Peter snapped at Travis. "Sorry, I was texting my girlfriend." "Dude, that's how you kill yourself and others. You are so lucky you didn't hurt my precious," Peter said, coldly. "Peter, stop," I said. "Because of his stupidity, m car is wrecked and you could've gotten hurt." "Well I'm fine," I said. "Did you call the cops?" Peter asked Travis. "Yes." "Good." "Are you okay, Travis? Your windshield shattered," I said. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you." "I hate you a lot," Peter said. "I'm sorry," Travis said. "Texting your girlfriend? Wow," Peter said, crossing his arms. "I was texting my dying girlfriend. I was on the way to the hospital." "Bullshit." "Peter," I said. "Oh you really believe? He's not crying. And he's been hitting on you." "He has not been hitting on me." "Whatever. I'm going to call Eric," Peter said, walking away. "You are right. He is a jackass," Travis said. "Yup. I'm sorry." "It's okay. He just doesn't understand." "He should because he liked Jasmine and she died," I said. "Well clearly he doesn't." I looked over and saw Eric and Peter talking. I saw Eric punch Peter in the face. I ran to Peter. "What the fuck, Eric?" I shouted. I kneeled down next to him. He was out cold. I stood up. "What did you do that for?" I snapped. "This little fucker got into an accident. He could've gotten you and him killed." "It wasn't his fault." "Still." "You little..." I went to hit him but he took me down. "Get off of me," I shouted. "Yo get of of her," Travis said. Eric looked up at Travis. Eric stood up. "Travis," Eric hissed. "Hello Eric. Long time no see." "You're the one who smashed into my brother's car?" "Woah wait. You two know each other?" I asked. "Yup. This son of a bitch lies about everything. He tries to start fights with people," Eric said. "You are still holding a grudge?" Travis asked. "Dakota, you need to stay away form him," Eric said. I kneeled down next to Peter. "My eye hurts," Peter said. I looked at Peter. "Aw you have a black eye," I said, rubbing his eye a little. Peter looked up at Eric and Travis. "What's going on?" "You don't remember Travis?" Eric asked. "No." "We met him at a camp before and tried drowning you." "Oh my god. I thought you looked familiar," Peter said as I helped him up. "Hello guys," this officer said. "Hey officer," Peter said. "Okay so what's going on here?" "Well, I was driving my girlfriend to my house and this guy smashes into my car. He claims he was texting his dying girlfriend," Peter said. "I was not texting. Peter was texting and blew through his stop sign," Travis said. "Okay. You come with me," the cop said to Travis. This is stupid. They walked away. "Your eye," I said, gently kissing his eye. "I'll be fine." Come here," Eric said, holding out his arms. Peter hugged Eric. "I'm sorry," he said, rubbing Peter's back. "That's a first," Peter said. They let go of each other. "Can your girlfriend get a kiss?" I asked. Peter smiled. and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips. "Alright Peter, so what happened?" The officer asked. "So me and my girlfriend were going to my place. I was driving the speed limit. I had the right away. Travis smashed into my car. He claims that he was texting his dying girlfriend but  I don't think he has a girlfriend because he keeps hitting on my girlfriend." "What happened to your eye?" the officer asked. "Oh I got this in gym today cause someone threw a football at me," Peter lied. "Alright, I'll be back," the officer said. He walked away. "This is obnoxious," Peter said, sighing. "That's why people should not use their phones while driving," Eric said. "Alright. A tow truck is coming. I will be arresting Travis because he was actually trying to smoke pot," the officer said. "Okay thanks," I said. The officer walked away. "See, he's bad news," Eric said. "Damn. I knew something was off about him," Peter said, happily. "You never told me you thought that." "I still thought it." "Now who am I suppose to work with on my project?" "What about that girl I knocked her books down? Isn't she in your class?" "Yes." "Does she have a partner?" "I don't think so. I guess I can ask her." "Woah wait, you knocked a girl's books out of her hands?" Eric asked. "Maybe," Peter said. "Oh man. My brother is a monster." "You shouldn't be talking," I said. "Wanna say that again, Dakota?" Eric asked. "You...shouldn'," I said, slowing it down. "I'm going to hurt you," he said, charging at me. Peter stood in front of me and stopped Eric. "Calm down," he said, rubbing Eric's arm. "Told ya," I said. "You love being a bitch, don't you?" Eric asked. "Only to you." "Guys, stop. Let's go home. The tow truck is here," Peter said. We got into Eric's car. Me and Peter sat in the back. I looked out the window. "You're so beautiful," Peter said, rubbing my arm. I looked up at him. "You are so handsome." He leaned down and kissed my lips. I heard Eric chuckle. I pulled away from Peter. "What's so funny?" I snapped. "You guys are so adorable. Never knew Peter would have a girlfriend who doesn't let people walk all over her. To be honest, I like you way better than that Jasmine girl. I love that you fight back," Eric said. "Aww. Well I don't like you," I said. "You are a bundle of sunshine, aren't you?" Eric asked, chuckling. I stayed quiet. Eric really gets on my nerves. "What are you thinking?" Peter asked. "Don't worry about it." "It looks like it's bothering you," Peter said, rubbing my arm. "I'm fine." Peter kissed my cheek and laid his head on my shoulder. He knew that something was bothering me. I laid my head against his. Eric pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car. Peter grabbed my hand and we walked inside. "Would you like to go upstairs in my room?" Peter asked. "Sure." We walked upstairs into his room. I walked over and sat on his bed. "You can sit on the couch," Peter said. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Peter sat down next to me. I laid my head on Peter's lap. He turned on the TV. He put on The Middle. He wouldn't stop laughing while watching the show. I kept laughing because of how funny he thought this show was. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep. "Wake up, babe," I heard Peter shout. I sat up. "We need to go now," Peter said, looking back at the door. "What's going on?" "I'm gonna fucking kill you, Hernandez," I heard Eric shout. Peter grabbed my arm and raced to his balcony. "We need to jump," Peter said. "You go first," I said. Peter jumped off his balcony. "Jump. I'll catch you." I jumped and Peter caught me. "Follow me," he said. We ran to Eric's car. We got inside. Peter started the car. Eric opened up the house door. Peter pulled out of the driveway and sped away. "What happened?" I asked. "I'll tell you when we get to your place." He drove us to my apartment. He grabbed my arm and raced me inside. We got to my room. I opened up the door and we got inside. "Grab some clothes and your car keys. We need to hurry," Peter said. "Not until you tell me what's going on." Peter let go of my arm. "Oh god. You will be a little pissed," Peter said, running his fingers through his hair. "No I won't. Now tell me." Peter sighed.

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