Chapter 25

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*Dakota's POV*

"Lets get back inside, sweetheart. I won't text Brooke," Peter said. We stood up. "Peter, you can text her. It's your decision whether or not you wanna screw everything up. Just know that this is your last chance," I said. We walked over to the table and sat down. I realized I still had Peter's jacket on. "Here," I said, handing him his jacket. "Wear it, darling," Peter said. I smiled and put it back on. "Here you go," Lindsay said, handing us our food. "Thank you ," I said. "You're welcome." She walked away. We ate our food and paid for it. We went back to Kam's house. "That was a nice dinner. Thanks for taking me out," I said, as we walked into the bedroom. Peter shut the door. Peter took off his shirt and placed it in his hamper. "You're welcomemy angel. I wish we were alone, though," he said frowning. "Hey, Kam and Phil are pretty cool," I said, sitting on the bed. "'Well you must not know them well enough because they are a pain in the ass," Peter said, chuckling a bit. "They are so fun to hang out with." "Sometimes. I'll be right back, darling," Peter said, kissing my forehead. He opened up the door and left. He got a text from that Brooke chick. It read 'Hey'. I decided I should text her. 'Hello, This is Peter's girlfriend. If you dare try to go back with Peter, you will not line to tell the story.' 'I'm not trying to.' 'I'm not afraid to beat the crap out of you if you do.' 'Listen, you don't scare me.' Who does this bitch think she is? 'Oh trust me, you should be.' I heard Peter laughing downstairs. That Brooke chick never responded. I deleted the text messages and placed his phone on the bed. "Hey, I got us some chocolate pudding," Peter said, smiling so big. "Peter, that's a huge container of pudding." Peter walked over to the bed sat down. "Hey, you can never have enough pudding," he said, handing me a spoon. He opened the container and we had some pudding. Peter turned on the tv. Peter's phone went off. He looked at it. "Huh, who is this?" he asked, showing me his text. It was Brooke. It said 'Okay I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me.' 'Ask who it is," I said. "Okay." He texted the number. Maybe I should have told Peter I texted her. "It's Brooke. Why the hell is Brooke saying this stuff?" "Cause I may have gotten protective," I said, softly. I expected him to yell at me but he chuckled. "What did you say to her?" "Well I may or may not have threatened to hurt her if she tried to get back with you." "Wow. Someone's jealous," Peter said. "She's so beautiful and I'm not," I said, frowning. "Dude red hair with blue eyes is perfect," he said, smiling. "Really?" "Yup. It's different. It's different. I love different." "But it seems like you like blondes more." "I've only had two girlfriends that were blond." "How many girlfriends have you had before?" "Four including you. The other girl was black hour with brown eyes. I've never had a girlfriend with red hair before but it's awesome. It's so different." "So you don't have feelings for Brooke?" "Nope. My heart belongs to you, sweetheart." I smiled. Peter texted Brooke. "I still have that guy feeling that you with get back with her," I said. Peter chuckled. "Would you like to read my messages whenever you want to make sure I'm not back with her?" "I guess." "Stop worrying, love. And she's probably scared after you threatened her." "I couldn't help it. I'm sorry," I said. "Don't apologize. I find it extremely hot," Peter said. I giggled and playfully hit him. "You're so weird, Peter.." "That's what makes me awesome." I laid down on the bed. Peter laid right by my side. He wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so tired," I said, yawning. "Go to sleep." "It's only 9:30." "So?" "I feel weird if I fall asleep now." "Who's judging? Sleep. Do you want to go to school tomorrow?" "Can we take a sick day?" I asked. Peter chuckled. "Yes we can." I laid my head on his chest. "I can't wait," I said, smiling. "What would you like to do tomorrow," Peter asked. I yawned. "Uh maybe rollerskating then after we could go get fro-yo and then after, see a movie." "Sounds good, At least we can have some alone time." "I want the guys to come." "Of course you do," Peter said, sighing. "I'm sorry. I like hanging out with the guys." "Just sleep, baby." "Are you mad?" "Nope." "Yes you are. I know you are." "I'm not mad, Dakota." I looked at Peter. He smiled. "That's your mad smile. I know you are mad. I'm sorry to make you mad." "Sleep my love." Peter kissed my cheek. "I don't want to sleep." Peter chuckled. "Didn't you say you were tired?" he asked. Yes. But I don't want to sleep." "Oh darling. You are interesting." "Thanks?" "Come with me," Peter said, getting up. "No, come back. I was comfortable." "I want to show you something." "Okay." I got up and walked over to Peter. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room. We walked out of the room. We walked down the hall to a door. Peter opened the door. There was a staircase. Still holding my hand, Peter walking up the stairs with me following him. We got at the top of the stairs. "You wanted to show me an attic?" I asked, so confused. Peter walked over to a pole and pressed a button. The roof opened up. "Woahm how does that happen?" I asked, staring at the stars in the sky. "Kam had someone put it in for him. It's so cool." "It's beautiful." "Come," he said, walking over to a couch. I walked over to the couch and we sat down. The couch was a recliner so we were basically laying back on the couch, staring up at the sky. Peter wrapped his arms around me.

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