Chapter 19

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*Peter's POV*

I sighed. "Well when you fell asleep, Eric came into the room and he wanted to have a little fun. I told him no but he grabbed me in a tight hold and brought me into his room. He threw me on the bed. He was about to take my clothes off when I kicked his dick hard. Now he wants to kill me. When he was running after me, I stopped and tripped him. I ran." "Why can't we stay here?" Dakota asked. "He will find a way to get a ride here. We need to go somewhere. Maybe Kam's house." "Okay. I will pack my things. What about you?" "Some of my clothes are at his house." "Okay. I'll go pack my things," Dakota said, running into her bedroom. She came back out moments later with a suitcase. "Okay how long are we staying at Kam's?" "Till I feel safe so probably forever," I said. She walked over to me. "Alright. Let's go," Dakota said. I grabbed her suitcase. "I'll carry this for you," I said. "Thanks." We left her apartment. I drove us to Kam's house. I grabbed Dakota's suitcase and we walked up to Kam's door. I knocked. The door opened. "Hey guys," Kam said. "Hey uh we're gonna have to stay at your house for a while," I said, sighing. "Why?" "Eric's trying to kill me." "Come on in then." We walked inside. Kam shut the door. "Okay so why is Eric trying to kill you?" Kam asked as we sat down on the couch. "Well Eric wanted to have sex with me. I didn't want to cause I didn't wanna leave my precious. I don't know how Dakota didn't wake up during this but he yanks me off the couch and dragged me into his room. He threw me onto the bed and tried to take my clothes off. Well I kicked him hard in the dick and ran. As he was chasing after me, I stopped and tripped him. He shouted that he's gonna kill me." "Wow. That's awful," Kam said. "Yeah. I'm scared, Kam. What if he does kill me?" "I won't let him kill you. He'll have to get past me first," Kam said. "And me," Dakota said. I smiled. "Thanks guys. If he is to come here, he would have a weapon hidden somewhere," I said. "I'll be right back," Kam said. There was a knock at the door. I jumped into Dakota's lap and wrapped my arms around her. I was shaking a little. Dakota kissed my cheek. "It's okay. I'll open it. You stay here," Dakota said, getting up. She walked over to the door and opened it. "Phil? What are you doing here?" "Kam said I could come over." "Oh come in." Phil walked inside and Dakota shut the door. "Okay, I have a couple guns," Kam said, walking into the room. "Uh what's going on? Phil asked. "Uh Eric wants to kill me," I said, frowning. "Aw does my lil bud need a hug?" I smiled and held out my arms. Phil walked over and hugged me. "I won't let him hurt you. I promise," he whispered. God, I love him and his perfect hugs. I just wouldn't let go. We hugged for a while until Dakota cleared her throat. We let go of each other. "Okay so I have guns here in case we need them. Peter, you and Dakota will keep your guns with you while you sleep. We will hide a gun in the couch. Phil, you will sleep in Peter and Dakota's room, as well, on the couch so you will be there to help. I will sleep on this couch in case he goes through the back door. We will not let Peter out of our sight. If Peter wants to go places, he will carry a knife and..." "Isn't that illegal?" I asked. "Alright fine. We will keep the weapons in the cars. One of us or all of us will go with him. Dakota, sorry to make this a little awkward but when Peter takes a shower or needs to go to the bathroom, you either stand outside the door or stay inside the bathroom with a knife or a gun." "Wait, Eric is serious about killing you?" Dakota asked. "When Eric says he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me. He's tried it before. Scary stuff, man," I said. "Will he actually come here?" Dakota asked. "Once he gets a car, he will probably go to your apartment. Then he will either come here or go to Phil's." "Why don't we go somewhere far from here?" Dakota asked. "We need to face him," Kam said. "He won't stop till he kills Peter," Phil said. "Will we kill Eric?" Dakota asked "If it comes down to that, possibly," Kam said. "I don't think I'll be able to kill Eric," Dakota said. "Do you want Peter to die?" Phil asked. "No, I don't but I just can't kill people." "He will kill Peter. Either he dies or Eric," Kam said. "Okay. Okay." "Alright, I'm gonna go hide these guns," Kam said. He left. Man, I can't believe I could possibly die. Dakota grabbed my hand and rubbed my arm. "It's okay. You won't get hurt...not on my watch," she said, smiling. "Thanks boo," I said, kissing her forehead. "Okay so I hid the guns. We should be good," Kam said. "Now what?" Phil asked. "We should go out and play laser tag!" I said. "You guys wanna?" Phil asked. "Sure," Kam and Dakota said. "Alright lets go." We left. We played laser tag for a couple hours. We came back. Kam went to open the door. "Someone's inside," Kam said. "How do you know?" I asked. "I heard a bang." Kam pulled out a rifle from his pants. "Stay here. I'm gonna go see who's in here." Kam walked inside. Five minutes later, he came back. "It's all good," he said. We walked inside. I sat down on the couch. I began bursting into tears. "Peter," Dakota said, running over to me. She sat down and wrapped her arms around me. "Bro, what's wrong?" Kam asked, walking over to me. Phil followed. "I don't wanna die. I'm so scared. I know he will get me. He's smart. He's gonna find a way to get me," I said. Dakota rubbed my back. "Peter, we aren't going to let him get you," Kam said, sitting down next to me. I was in the middle between Dakota and Kam. "As much as I love you guys, you can't protect me forever. He's not just gonna show up here, expecting us not to have weapons. He will get me. May not be today, may not be tomorrow but he will get me." "Baby, we won't let him get you," Dakota said. "You guys can't do shit," I said, getting up. I ran upstairs into the guest bedroom. I shut the door and laid down on the bed. Tears poured down my face. "Peter," I heard Dakota say. I didn't look at her. She walked over to me and laid down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me. She kissed my lips. "I love you," she said. I smiled. "I love you too." "I'm here for you." I frowned. "I'm sorry for saying you guys can't do anything." "It's fine. To be honest, you are right. He's smart. He's not going to just come here and knock on the door. He's going to wait till the right time to get you." "This is awful. I thought he changed but he's still his shitty self." "We can get through this together. I'm sorry but I'm not letting you out of my sight. "Baby, you aren't..." "Peter, I would rather die with you than to let you die alone." I smiled. "Hey bro," Kam said, walking into the room with Phil. "Guys, I'm so sorry for saying you guys can't do anything." "Nah man, it's fine. You are just stressed," Kam said. "I'm just really scared." They walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "We are here for you, man. Don't forget that," Phil said. "Thank you guys." They hugged me. "Let's go downstairs. I'll make us some dinner," Kam said. "Yes food," I said. We raced downstairs. We stopped. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of us. I was in shock.

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