Chapter 22

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*Dakota's POV*

I woke up at 3pm. Kam wasn't next to me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I got up and walked downstairs. I walked into the family room. Kam was sitting on the couch. He was watching tv. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "What are you watching?" I asked. "Cops. I love this show." I watched cops. I started shivering because it was cold in his house. "You cold?" Kam asked. "A little." Kam got up and walked out of the room. He came back with a blanket. He sat down and wrapped the blanket around me. "Is that better?" Kam asked. "I'm still cold." He wrapped his arms around me. He brought me closer to him. "Better?" he asked. "Yes thank you." Kam rubbed my side. I looked up at him and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. Shit! I pulled away from Kam. "I'm sorry. Shit," I said. "Dakota, it's okay." "Nobody tells Peter," I said. "I'm not going to tell him. It's okay." "No it's not. I kissed you when I'm dating Peter. The worse part is that I liked the kiss." "Woah, you did?" "Yes...I gotta go." I threw the blanket and stood up. "Dakota, where are you going?" "Upstairs." I walked upstairs into the room. I sat down. I picked up my phone and dialed Peter's number. "Hello my love." I started crying. "Dakota? Are you okay? What's wrong baby? Are you hurt?" Peter asked. "I'm such a horrible girlfriend," I said, crying. "Aw baby why do you say that?" "I kissed Kam and I liked it." There was silence. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "Can you come to the hospital?" "Yes." Peter hung up. I ran out of the room. I walked downstairs. I grabbed Peter's keys and left the house. I got to the hospital. I went up the stairs to Peter's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in," Peter said. I walked into the room. Peter smiled. "Come here," he said, holding his arms out. I ran to the bed. I pushed Phil out of the way. "Love you too Dakota," Phil said. I hugged Peter. "I'm so so sorry," I said, burying my face into his chest. "Dakota, it's okay. I'm not mad. I'm glad you told me instead of hiding it." "I don't understand how you aren't mad." "Well did you do it on purpose?" "This is really going to piss you off," I said. "Why?" "Cause I was cold so Kam got a blanket. I was still cold so Kam wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm. That's when I kissed him." "So basically, you were cuddling with Kam?" "Yeah." He let go of me. "Now I kinda know how you felt when I cheated on you." "So you aren't mad?" "Oh hell yeah I'm mad. I can't trust you guys home alone now." "Peter, I'm sorry." "Phil, can you go home with Dakota and watch her?" "Peter, I don't want you to be alone. I promise I won't kiss or cuddle with Kam." "Phil, how about you go home and rest. Dakota will stay here. You meed some rest." "Okay bro. See ya." "Bye man." Phil and Peter bro hugged. Phil left. I sat down in the chair next to his bed. "Peter, I'm sorry. Please trust me again. I promise I won't do it again." "Okay." "Okay that you forgive me or okay for trusting me?" "I don't know, Dakota. I'm disappointed in you." "Okay hold up. So you can cheat on me but one stupid kiss and you won't accept my apology? I could've left you for cheating on me but no, I accepted your apology. Why can't you accept mine?" "Okay fine I'll accept it." "You're so ridiculous, Peter." I stood up. "Okay okay. I accept your apology, baby. Please don't leave me alone. I'm scared. Eric said he's going to come back and hurt me. He said he's not going to kill me cause he loves me too much but he said he's going to hurt me real bad. Please don't leave." "Woah wait, he said he's coming back to hurt you?" "Uh I didn't say anything." "Alright, he's not laying a hand on you." I stood up and walked over to his bed. I laid down next to him. I pulled out a knife from my pants. Oh I forgot to say. Before I left, I grabbed a knife just in case Eric would actually come back in the hospital talking to Peter. "What the hell? You brought a knife?" Peter asked. "Hell yeah. I figured something was up when you were talking to him." "That's my girl." There was a knock on the door. I gripped onto my knife hard. "Come in." The door opened and a nurse came in. I hid my knife. "Hello Peter. How's your back?" She asked. "It's alright. Kinda hurts." "Aw Peter. Is this your girlfriend?" "Yeah. Her name is Dakota. She needs to stay with me because of personal reasons." "We aren't allowed to let visitors stay." "I'm in danger." "Okay she can stay. I got your medicine Peter," the nurse said. "Thanks." The nurse gave Peter his medicine. "Alright I'll be back later to check on you." "Bye Layla." The nurse left. "Baby?" "Yes, baby?" "I'm really hungry. Can you get me some food please?" "Of course. I'll be back." I got up and walked out of the room. I got up and walked out of the room. I walked over to the elevator. I pressed the button. I heard a ding. The elevator doors opened and I walked inside. I pressed the first floor and the doors closed. All of a sudden, I felt one arm wrap around my stomach. A hand covered my mouth. "Make any sound or try to hit me, I will shoot," I heard Eric say. I felt a gun pointing at my back. "You will do what I say. Act normal. Don't make eye contact. Don't try to run or escape. Don't scream or don't say anything about this. If you fail to do what I say, you will die. Got it?" I nodded my head. The elevator stopped. "And don't try to fight me." Eric let go of me. The elevator doors opened. We walked out. We walked out of the hospital. Eric pushed me to his car. He opened up the passenger door. "Get in." "I'm not getting in. I have better things to do." "I'm sorry. Was I not clear enough?" Eric held up the gun. "Get in the damn car now," he said, raising his voice. I sighed and got inside the car. He shut the door. Eric walked around the car and opened up the car door. He got in. He started up the car and we took off. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "None of your damn business. Give me your phone," he said, holding out his hand. I rolled my eyes and handed him my phone. He put it in his pocket. "Peter's going to find me sooner or later." "Good. That's when I can hurt him." "You are sick, Eric." Eric chuckled. "Thanks." "Why are you doing this? Torturing me? I thought you loved me." "Oh honey, I do." "Well you have an awful way of showing it." "Just shut up and look out the window." I looked out the window. Poor Peter. He doesn't deserve this shit. He didn't even get to eat. We pulled into a driveway. A very long driveway. We got to this house. Eric parked the car. He got out. He walked around the car to my door. He opened it. I got out of the car. "Where are we?" I asked. "We are at a hideout. Nobody knows this place except for Peter. If Peter is smart enough, he will come here. Walk." I walked and Eric followed behind, pointing his gun at me. We got to the door. "Open it," Eric said. "You can say it nicer, you know," I said. "Oh I'm sorry. Open the door please or your head will have a bullet. Is that nice enough for you?" I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Eric pushed me inside. He walked in and shut the door. "Let me see your hands," Eric said. I held out my hands. He grabbed my hands and put them behind my back. He handcuffed my hands. "Let's go." We walked upstairs to this room. He opened up the door and pushed me in. Eric walked inside and shut the door. "Sit by the bed," he demanded. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to it. Eric looked at me, smiling. I have a bad feeling about this.

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