Chapter 28

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*Peter's POV cont*

I ran my finger through my hair. "Hey man," Kam said. "You told her about me going with Brooke. Wait, how did you know?" "I'm not stupid, Peter." "Wait, did she get her memory back?" "Yes. Quickly too but yes." "Damn. She must hate me," I said. "Go talk to her instead of just standing there." I walked upstairs into our bedroom. Dakota was laying on the bed. "Baby. I'm sorry for going to see Brooke." "Whatever, Peter." "Baby, please don't be mad at me. I just went out for coffee." "You left me alone, Peter. And you told me you were going with a friend." "She is a friend." "You should've told me you were going with her." "Why do I have to tell you everything I do?" "Cause I don't fucking trust you anymore," Dakota shouted. She got up and stormed out of the room. I ran after Dakota. "Baby, wait," I said. "What do you fucking want? Are you going to tell me you are dating Brooke or something?" she snapped. "I'm sorry, Dakota. I'm not dating her, I promise." "One fucking chance left, Hernandez. You better not fuck it up because you are so close to losing that chance." "I'm really sorry, Dakota. But why are you so protective of me?" "Oh my god, Peter. This is what happens when you lose my trust." "Baby, please. I'm sorry." "I'm going outside on the hammock to relax," Dakota said. She turned around and walked away. Why is she so annoying? I walked back into my room. I walked onto my balcony. I looked at Dakota on the hammock. I walked out of my room and downstairs. I walked outside to Dakota. She was laying on the hammock with her back facing me. i laid underneath the hammock. "What do you want, Peter?" "I'm really sorry, baby. Please talk to me." "I don't mind you hanging out with Brooke but if yo lie to me about it and don't tell me who you're hanging out with, I'll be pissed." "Well I didn't expect you to get your memory back." "You aren't making this any better," Dakota said. I got out from underneath her. I laid on the hammock next to her. "Dakota, I'm stupid, I know, but cut me some slack please." Dakota laid her head on my chest. "I'm sorry," she said. "Please trust me, sweetheart," I said. "Peter, I can't snap my fingers and trust you again. You will need to earn the trust back and show me I can trust you again." "I really messed up, huh?" "Yeah kinda." "I'm sorry baby," I said. She kissed my cheek. "Just remember that just because I don't trust you and always snap at you, doesn't mean I don't love you, darling. I really do." "You do love me?" "Hell yeah. Don't ever think I don't love you." I started blushing like crazy. Dakota started laughing. "Peter Gene Hernandez, are you blushing?" I chuckled. "I'm not blushing." "Peter, you're smiling like crazy with your adorable dimples showing and your face is bright red." "Okay maybe I am blushing. I just love when you love me and won't give up on me." "Well you still have..." "You two are mad adorable together," Kam said. "Dude, are you blushing?" Phil asked, chuckling. "I made him blush like crazy," Dakota said, happily. "I can't help myself from blushing. Anyways, why are you out here?" I asked. "I wanted to lay on the hammock," he said. "Wait your turn," I said. "Okay." He jumped on me and Dakota. The hammock flipped over and we fell off. Dakota was laughing her head off. "You know, I really hate you Kameron," I said, still laying on the ground. "Don't be a baby," Dakota said. We all stood up. "Yo some chick is here for you, Peter. She's hot," Phil said. "For me?" "Yes for you. Some chick named Brooke." I looked at Dakota and she crossed her arms. "You asked Brooke to come over?" Dakota asked. "No, I didn't. She told me she was working." I walked inside. "Hey, Peter," Brooke said. "Brooke," Dakota said. "Hello guys." "Why are you here?" Dakota asked. "You left this at the coffee shop." Brooke handed me my wallet. "Wait, didn't you leave the coffee shop before me?" I asked. "I...went back to the shop because I left my phone on the seat." "Oh. Thank you," I said, grabbing my wallet. "I'll see you around, Peter. Bye Dakota," Brooke said. "Bye Brooke," I said. She left. "That was strange. I thought I brought my wallet home," I said. "Something suspicious is going on," Dakota said. "That was really weird." "Look to see if your money is gone. I opened up my wallet. "Everything is here." "Maybe she was being nice but that was very strange." "Yeah. Let's go watch some TV," I said. We walked into the family room and sat on the couch. I wrapped my arm around her. "What was that all about?" Kam asked, as him and Phil walked into the room. "She gave me my wallet. I feel like she took something but I'm pretty sure everything is here." "You're stupid, Peter. You know that?" Kam asked. "Thanks, Kam." Kam and Phil sat down on the couch near us. "I wanna know if she took anything." "Peter, hand me your wallet," Kam said. I threw my wallet at him. "Dude, you are missing your debit card, dumbass." "Fuck. No, she did not." "Yeah, bud. Good job." "Damn. What am I suppose to do?" I asked. "Dude, cancel your debit card before it's too late." I stood up and ran to my phone. I called the bank." "I...I lost my money," I said. Dakota walked passed me. She came back. "Let's go," she said, holding a knife in her hand. "No. No. We are not going to kill her." "How much money did she take?" Dakota asked. "$1000." "Damn. Okay. I'm going over to Brooke's house and I'm going to beat her ass up," Dakota said. "First off, we are not beating her ass up. Second, I don't even know where she lives." "It's called 'Looking her up', Peter." "Okay fine. Look her up," I said. "Alright. Found her," Dakota said, handing me her phone. "That was quick." "It's not hard." "Kam, Phil, are you guys coming?" I asked. "Yes. Let's go," Kam said. We left. I followed the directions the phone was telling me. I got to her house. "Let's go," I said as we got out. We walked up to the door. I banged on the door. "Brooke, open the damn door now," I said. The door opened. Brooke was standing there. "What's wrong, Peter?" "Don't please stupid, bitch," Dakota said. "Excuse me, Dakota. Don't talk to my girl like that," Travis said, wrapping his arm around Brooke. "Travis? What the hell is going on here?" I asked. "Travis is my boyfriend," Brooke said. "Aren't you in jail?" I asked. "It's called bail, dumbass." "Look, I just want my money back." "Go make a new song and get money off of that. You are famous," Brooke said. "Oh. I do have a song for you. Wait till you get roasted bitch," I said. I stormed off. Dakota followed me. We got into the car. "What happened?" Phil asked. "We about to make a new song," I said, pulling out of the driveway. "Why was Travis there?" Kam asked. "Brooke is dating Travis." "SO what song you got in kind?" Phil asked. "You'll see." This bitch is about to get a plate full of Revenge. 

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