Painful Love

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Yume wakes up in the early morning from a sweet dream. She wants to meet Subaru since she knows she always meets him during jogging. She wears her usual sports suit and leaves her room. 

Everywhere in the school show that spring is coming. The cherry blossom ( Sakura )  in the trees are going to bloom. She stops in front of one of the cherry blossom tree and gazes at it. " Beautiful... I am so looking forward the day when all the cherry blossom are in full bloom... " She does not realize that someone is approaching her quietly.

" Hey! Tomato! " Subaru pats on Yume's head and messes up her hair. " Ah! Subaru kun! Why are you... Don't touch my hair! And don't call me tomato! " Yume screams out with surprise. " I love red tomato, so I call you tomato~ " Subaru blushes while saying this. Yume notices and laughs out loud. " Hahaha! Tomato too~ "  " Shut up! And stop looking at me! " He turns around and uses his back to face her. Yume looks at this cute Subaru and smiles brightly. " Subaru? Do you see these? The cherry blossoms are ready to bloom! They must be beautiful... " He slowly turns back and looks at the cherry blossom tree. " Yeah... They will be beautiful... They look like they will bloom tomorrow...  " After a while of silence, they speaks out at the same time, " Do you have time tomorrow? " They blush and avoid eye-contact with each other. An awkward silence is coming surrounding them. Subaru tries to break the silence, "Can you stay with me to watch the cherry blossom if you are free tomorrow? " He tries to show his charming smile. Yume looks at him. " Why is my heart beating faster and faster? Why is my face getting heated up? Why can't I move my eyes away from his face ... and his sapphire blue eyes... ? " She thinks in her mind while looking deep into his eyes. " Yume? " He calls her with a worried look. " Ah?! I...I... Of course I am free tomorrow! " Yume shouts out with nervousness. Subaru chortles. Yume's heart beats faster due to his charming real smile. " Why...Why are you laughing? " Yume asks nervously. Subaru looks up to face her. " Ah? You are so cute~ Tomato! I love you so much... " He hugs her suddenly. Yume blushes even red and hides her red face in his chest. " Tomato? " " Don't call me this... " " Okay, Yume? Do you remember what have I asked you in the letter  yesterday? You haven't told me your final answer... I hope I will hear your answer tomorrow... " Then, he lets her go. He walks away when waving his hand to her.  Yume thinks, " Yesterday? "


Subaru pushes her on his bed and lays on top of her.  " When I first saw you, I was totally attracted by you. You are different from the other girls, who just scream out when they see me... And I find that I love you after meeting you at Christmas. I don't have courage to confess to you until now...   I love you... Yume..." Subaru looks deep into Yume's eyes. "If you don't..., you can tell me... " Tears is dropped from his eyes on her face. " I love you too... Subaru kun... You are always my prince to me... I love you... " Yume says with an angelic smile on her cute face. Tears are surrounding her eyes at the same time. " And this is my first time to hear you from calling me Yume... " They both laugh with tears...

End of Flashback...

" What...? I have answered you already... Did he ask any other questions? ...What letter?  But I really can't remember... " Yume continues her jogging with confusion.

This is a new day. Cherry blossoms bloom and this makes the school to be surround by pink flowers. Yume chooses the clothes annoyingly. " I don't which one is better... Will Subaru like me if I wear this? That's annoying." She throws the clothes in her hand on her bed impatiently. " Ah! Can someone help me?! " Suddenly, the door is opened. She is Laura. She gazes at Yume in confused. "What's up with you? I hear your scream even I am far away from your room. " Yume looks at her with tears of joy. " Laura!!! " She jumps from her bed and hugs Laura who is shocked. " Help me!!! "

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