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Light is entering Yume's room through the window made of full height glass panel and the white window curtains. Yume is laying on a big, white bed. She is sleeping peacefully. Her untied yellowish-pink hair is laying flat on the white pillow. Even in her sleep, she is smiling. She is having a sweet dream that Subaru is kissing her. When having this nice dream, her Aikatsu mobile is ringing. She wakes up reluctantly to get her mobile. " Hello? " " Yume Yume ! You are having scandals with Subaru Yuki !? " Her mind gets clear at once. " Laura! How do you know? Our show has not broadcasted yet! " Laura sighs in the phone. " Some staff in the shooting team tells the reporters of Idol Magazine about your lovey-dovey actions in the show... You know? All the girls in the academy are screaming now!!! They hate you very much now!!! Ako just tells me that, a girl asks her when you will come back... Yume, you should concern about your safety now... " Yume sighs. " Yume, actually why did you kiss Subaru san in the show? " " I refused at first. However, Subaru kissed me forcefully. But ... I quite enjoy it... Hehe... " Laura sighs again. " Wish you good luck, bye Yume! " " Bye Laura! " They cut the line.

Subaru is living in the same hotel with her. His room is just next to hers. She changes her usual outfit and opens the door of her room. She moves her head out of the room and looks around to see whether there are some suspicious people. She moves to the door of his room secretively. After looking around carefully again, she knocks on the door. " Subaru kun? Are you inside? " She whispers. The door is opened. Subaru stands in front of her with his pajama. His hair is still messy and he looks sleepy. " Um... My little tomato, are you missing me so much? Why do you find me in this early morning? " He smirks. Yume peers at him and pushes him inside his room. " Subaru!!! Don't you know? Our embarrassing behaviors during the shooting yesterday were posted in today's Idol Magazine!!! Your fans are crazy about this now!!! This becomes a scandal!!! What can we do now? " Subaru just sitting on his bed with a sleepy face and a unaware facial expression when listening Yume's words. " Aren't you worry? Aren't you so concerned about your idol work? " Yume sits next to him when staring at him. Subaru just grins and embraces her from the side. " Just don't worry so much... This will not have much negative effects on my idol work. On the other hand, this can give me some new chances for my idol work. And don't you want to become my girlfriend even in front of the public? Don't you want to disclose our relationship? Don't you want to express your love to me in front of the others? Or ... you want my fans girls to occupy me? " When he is saying, he leans closer and closer to Yume's face. She wants to avoid, so she moves backward and backward until she is totally laying on the bed. Subaru's face is just on the top of hers. Her face is totally reddened and her heart is beating fast. He continues to move downward. Their eyes are locked by each other eyes. Their gap is getting smaller and smaller until their lips touch. They share a soft kiss. Then, they separate but they are still in a close distance between each other. Yume is pressing on the bed by Subaru. He is laying on the top of her body. " Of course I want to act like your girlfriend in front of others! But... " Yume mumbles when avoiding his stare. He slowly twists a lock of her hair round his fingers. " Idiot! No worry... If you stay with me, I am sure that I can treat the things well. " He smiles charmingly. Gazing at his smile, Yume smiles again. She nods with believe.

Subaru gets up from the bed and helps Yume to get up. "  Do you want to have a swim then? In this beautiful ocean?  " He points out to the blue ocean outside the window. Yume nods excitedly. He gazes at her bright smile and grins with happiness. He suddenly wants to tease her. He pulls his upper clothes up. Yume stares at him with surprise. She blushes and uses her hands to cover her eyes immediately. " Wh-what are y-you doing?! " She stammers with embarrassment. " Change my clothes. " Her face becomes redder and redder. " You are a bad guy! Subaru Yuki !!!" She screams loudly when rushing out of his room. The door is closed with a loud noise. Subaru smiles with satisfaction.

After having a shoot of swimming in the blue ocean in Okinawa, they get back the hotel to pack things. They have to go to Hokkaido for another shooting immediately. " I don't want to leave here... I haven't visited all the famous scenic spots here... " Yume sighs with disappointment. Subaru hears this and pats on her shoulder. " No sorrow! I will visit here again with you in the future. " " Really? " " Of course! I will not lie to you, you know? " Yume grins and hugs him happily. However, she immediately separates from him since she sees that the director is coming to their direction. Subaru notices and hugs her forcefully. " Just act ourselves. No need to concern about the others' feelings. " He tells her and helps her to put her luggage into their car.

Inside the car, the atmosphere is so strange and embarrassing. Yume has bought Idol Magazine to read. Subaru is sitting next to her and reading with her. All the staff in the shooting team are very embarrassed. They feel guilty since they told the reporters of Idol Magazine about the special relationship between Yume and Subaru. However, they feel a bit relaxed since Yume and Subaru are not too concerned about this.

When they arrive Hokkaido, Yume gasps. " The fields of lavenders are so beautiful... " She jumps off the car and runs to the lavender fields. Subaru chases behind her. " Wow!!! So beautiful! I have never seen so many lavenders in a place in my life! " She knees down and softly touches the lavenders. " So cute... " She murmurs with a peaceful smile. Subaru stops next to her. He slowly picks something from his pocket. It is a hair clip with lavender patterns. He softly puts it in her hair which alerts her. She touches the hair clip and smiles. " Thank you , Subaru kun~ " He grins when seeing her angelic smile. " That's okay if you like. " " But where did you get it? " He points to the shop nearby which sells a lot of products with Lavender patterns and pictures. They giggles together when realizing everything. " I will keep it as my treasure. Thank you, Subaru kun~ " 

Love and PeaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon