Sailing of Love

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Yume is packing her luggage. She is going to have a shoot of a TV show with Subaru all over the Japan. They will leave after 2 hours. She finally finishes packing and picks the heavy luggage bag off the stairs to the ground floor. " Um... It is too heavy... " she mumbles when taking up the bag. Suddenly, someone takes over her bag. " Hey, tomato! Why your bag is so heavy? What do you put inside? We need to hurry up! " Subaru suddenly appears inside the girls' dorm!!! He takes over her bag and walks down the stair directly, leaving the shocked Yume standing still there. She is totally surprised by his action with a pair of widened eyes. " What are you waiting for? Let's go, stupid tomato! " He smirks after turning back to her. Yume blushes and shouts back, " I am not a tomato! Don't call me that! " Then, she rushes down the stair directly without waiting for Subaru. He gazes at her back and smiles gently, " Tomato~ "

Yume is standing beside the car and waiting for Subaru

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Yume is standing beside the car and waiting for Subaru. Subaru is holding her large bag and coming to her side. " Hey, why are you so slow? I have already waited for you here for 5 minutes! " Yume stares at him annoyingly.  Subaru stares back to her and says in a cold tone, " Don't you know your bag is so heavy? And I have also waited for you for 15 minutes before going to your dorm to find you!!! " He throws her bag into the car and pushes her inside. Then, he enters the car too. After closing the door, Subaru stares at Yume. Yume blushes and asks nervously. " Why are you staring at me? "  He smirks and says, " You haven't buckled up your seat belt! " Yume flushes redder. " Or ... you don't know how to fasten your seat belt? " Before she can react, he leans closer to her and helps her to fasten her seat belt. The distance between their lips is only 1 inch. After this, their faces are both totally red. Kousaka san coughs to break this embarrassing atmosphere. " Um... Can we move now? " Yume and Subaru both reply at the same time, " Sure! " They gaze at each other and they both feel that their faces are heating up. " Okay... Let's go to Aikatsu TV to meet the director and the shooting team first... " Kousaka san says, then he drives the car towards their destination.

During the drive, Subaru and Yume continuously look at each other. When their gaze meet, they move away their gaze at once with a flush on their cheeks. They both keep silent. They can only hear the sound of the car engine. Subaru tries to break the silence, " Um... Yume? " " Um...? " Their eyes meet.  " Today... you are ... very pretty in this outfit... " He gazes at her dress. Yume flushes again, " Um... Thank you... Um... You are handsome too... Wait! That means, I am not pretty in my usual life? " She suddenly stares at him angrily. " No-no! You are always beautiful and attractive! " Subaru says it nervously. These words are said in a very smooth way, just like that these are his true feelings. He is regretting for saying these after realizing what has he said just now. His heart is beating in an abnormal fast speed. Yume's do so. Their faces are both similar to a red and fresh tomato. Kousaka san observes them through the mirror and smiles. " You have grown up, Subaru... " He thinks when smiling.

" We have arrived. " Subaru says when opening the door of the car and getting off from it. He pulls out his hand to Yume when she is getting off the car. He smiles in a charming way to her. This makes her blush. She puts her hand on his hand softly and embarrassingly when looking down to hide her red face. Subaru pulls her out and helps her to close the door. " Subaru san and Nijino san? I have to park the car. Can you two go up first? I will come later. " Kousaka san says in the car. " Okay. Meet you inside. " Subaru replies and pulls Yume inside when holding her hand tightly. " Subaru kun! There are many people here~ " Yume whispers when trying to shake off his hand from the connection. " There is nothing to worry about. Let's go! " Subaru holds her hand even tightly. When they walk along the corridor, many people stare at them with widened eyes and discuss about their relationship with each other secretly. However, Subaru ignore them and continues to hold her hand. 

They walk into the conference room together hand in hand. All the staff stare at them with gasp and widen eyes. " Let's start shooting? " Subaru asks. " Yeah... Sure... " The director stammers and starts to pack things. " Let's have a short briefing first... " After 15 minutes short briefing, they all pack all their belongings and equipment and get on the cars. Kousaka san helps Subaru and Yume to take care of their belongings during shooting.

Their first destination is Okinawa. " Wow!!! The sea is so blue!!! The sea breeze is comfortable~ And the sound of wave is so calming and healing... " Yume says when closing her eyes to calm herself down. She is standing on a beach. There is no one playing on the beach who will emit noise to disturb her mind. The sun in the blue sky gives out warm sunshine which makes her feel comfortable. Subaru gazes at her and smiles gently. He slowly walks toward her and hugs her from the back. Yume gasps in surprise while Subaru hugs her even tighter. Her face is being red. " Wh-what are you doing...?  I don't think we should... " She stammers softly. He whispers into her ears, " That's okay... The shooting has begun already... Have you remembered that we need to act like a pair of lover in the show? ... And I also want to do this with you... to enjoy this nice moment... Yume... I love you... " Yume flushes. They both close their eyes to enjoy this nice moment.

After hugging for about 5 minutes, Subaru pulls Yume to a lake nearby. " Aren't we going to swim? " She asks when being pulled. " No... We will swim tomorrow... Now I will bring you to a more romantic place~ " He replies. When they arrive, Yume exclaims, " This lake is so peaceful and beautiful! " Subaru is holding her hand. " Do you want to sail boat together? " He points at a boat in the shape of swan. Yume nods excitedly and pulls Subaru forward. " Let's go! "

 " Let's go! "

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They get on the boat and sit aside. They ride it together to the center of the lake. The moderate breeze makes them enjoy the sailing more. When they are in the center of the lake, they stop riding. " Are you tired? " Subaru asks Yume with concern. She shakes her head with a smile, " You should be more tired than me. You always help me to ride. " He blushes when she says this. " Subaru kun... I discover that you always help me when I have difficulties. When I need help, you always come to give me some good and useful advice. When I am sad or depressed, you always be in my side to comfort me and cheer me up... I think that why I love you so much... " She smiles brightly. He has to admit, her smile is the most beautiful smile in the world. He has a sudden thought. " Hey, tomato! If you want to repay me a favor, you can kiss me here... " He uses his index finger to point at his lip. Yume feels her face being heated up. " H-hey... We are having a show now! H-how can we do this in front of the others...? It will be a scandal which may bring you a serious effect! " " No worry... Just kiss me or... " He suddenly leans closer and attacks her lip. Yume stares at him closely with shock. She spots that the director is widening his eyes when seeing this! However, his lip is so soft and warm. He gives her a sense of sweetness which is addictive to her. She slowly closes her eyes to enjoy it. Her hands move into his chocolate brown hair when his arms are wrapping around her waist. When their lips separate, they remain in a close distance. They stares into each other eyes while their cheeks are getting redder and redder. They know that, the camera is zooming in but they rarely stop their lovey-dovey behaviors. Nothing can stop them to express love to each other...

Next chapter:  ~ Lavender ~

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