Chapter Twenty-One: Chairs, Names, and Last Minute Party Preparing

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"Don't break anything you dopes!" I yell right before Louis hits Niall with the chair he was holding. "Louis!" I go over the quickest I can. "Are you ok?"

"I'm hungry." Niall answers, opening his eyes.

"Thank God." I mutter under my breath. Louis and I pull him up.

"Sorry mate." Louis says with a small laugh.

"It's ok." Niall says before hitting my brother with a chair. "Now it is!" Niall runs away laughing and Louis tackles him. 

"I bet you're happy you're going to get married to someone so mature." Hannah giggles, walking next to me.

"Sneak attack!" Zayn yells, wrapping his arms around Hannah's waist. She shrieks.

"Same to you." I smile.

"We're not getting married any time soon." Hannah says.

"You never know when I'll pop the question HannahBear." Zayn says and Hannah nudges him. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the two of them together. They were so perfect for each other. The pang in my heart told me they wouldn't part any time soon.


"Here are the presents." All the boys say, dropping bags of stuff onto the table.

"Really?" We ask, looking up at them.

"Don't worry, we are wrapping your presents ourselves." Louis says and I roll my eyes.

"You know we suck at wrapping presents." Niall whines.

"Yeah, we've seen it before." Eleanor says, slapping a bow on another present. We had all just finished our wrapping and now we had more to do. Yay. (sarcasm intended)

"Well, we have work for you boys too." Hannah says. 

"Decorations need put up outside, the tree needs watered, invitations to the party need to be made and mailed, and Caleb wants to play football." I list off. They groan, walking away. "See, having a boyfriend has it's advantages."


"We should start thinking of names." I say while Niall and I lay in bed. He was playing with my hair, like always.

"We don't know if it is a boy or girl though." Niall says.

"That is why we have a name ready for either." I reply.

"Ok." Niall says. "What should we name a boy?"

"Not sure. I kind of like the names Tyler and William."

"Isn't William Louis' middle name?"

"Yeah, but I like it. What about you?"

"We should have all the boys' middle names included."

"You have the same middle name as Liam though."

"I know." Niall laughs.

"So James Javadd Edward William?"

"Yes." I laugh. "How about a girl?"

"I know we both have always loved the name June."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Middle name or names?"

"Eleanor and Hannah!" I smile.

"You're so cute." He kisses my nose.

"You're cuter."

"You're cuter."

"We should probably go to sleep. We don't want to be tired for your ultra sound tomorrow." I nod and we drift off in each other's arms. 

This. Was. Perfect.


"I HAVE THE GENDER OF THE BABY! OH MY GOD! COME SEE!" Louis screams, holding the envelope in the air as he races into the basement. I laugh.

"I think it was a bad idea trusting him with the envelope." I say.

"Think?" Caleb asks.

"Correction: it was a bad idea trusting him with the envelope." I say and my little brother laughs.

"I have an early Christmas surprise for you." Niall says.

"Oh no." I smile bright. I follow him out to the back porch. Good thing we didn't take off our hats, gloves, and jackets yet.

"Merry early Christmas Agnes." Niall smiles. He pulls out a dark blue velvet box opening it. Inside was a bracelet with an infinity sign.

"It's beautiful." I say as tears burn at my eyes. He latches it around my wrist. "Thank you." I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Niall says. "Forever," He starts.

"and always." I finish.


"Nothing looks good." I say, walking out of the dressing room in a new outfit for the billionth time.

"Don't worry about it Ag, just try to imagine yourself without the bump." Eleanor says.

"It's hard. I've had it for so long it seems impossible to be me without it." I say, looking in the mirror.

"You won't always have that bump. It will be gone. You know that right?" Hannah asks, completely serious.

"Yeah, I know that." I laugh. "Alright. I'll try to picture myself without the bump." I go back into the dressing room.


"Almost ready?" Niall asks.

"Yup!" I pop the 'p' while finishing off my outfit. I put my other earring in and turn around. "Doesn't someone look handsome Mr. Horan?" I walk over.

"Not looking so bad yourself future Mrs. Horan." Niall wraps his arms around my waist.

"DON'T PUSH IT!" Louis screams from downstairs. How does he do that? I laugh.

"Your brother is crazy." Niall says.

"He's going to be your brother in-law." I furrow my eyebrows together.

"Then our brother is crazy." Niall smiles.

"SERIOUSLY!" Louis shrieks.

"I'm not crazy right? All if this will work out won't it?" I ask.

"I can't tell the future Ag." Niall says. "I'll tell you what; you're going to have our baby and we're going to get married and everything will be so perfect it will be scary. But I'm never going to leave you, Agnes. I'll always be with you. Never forget that." I nod.

"How did I ever get so lucky to have a guy like you?" I ask.

"I ask myself the same thing everyday." Niall says.

"What?" I giggle.

"I mean-. Ugh. You know what I mean." Niall says.

"I do." I say. I press my lips to his. My life was slowly piecing together, and with every passing moment, I couldn't be happier to be where I was.

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