The Girl in the Fireplace

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The Doctor paced around the console, Rita sat in the jumpseat cross-legged with her eyes fixed on the Doctor, they had been to many amazing planets, between when she had met Sarah Jane Smith and now what excited her, even more, was that those adventures were never 'episodes' back in 'her world'.

Rita was excited for another adventure like she normally was now. It had been exactly Two months since the four had the encounter with the Krillitane, the Doctor was still confused about what was happening to his brunette companion, this scared him a little. Over the past two months he had grown to enjoy the company of the brunette, he could tell Rose was enjoying having a new close friend her age as well.

They dropped Mickey off home to 'pack' really the Doctor just wanted a few more adventures with Rose and Rita before Rick- Mickey joined them.

"Right then" The Doctor looked at the brunette and then at Rose who was standing next to her. "Where shall we go next?" He raised a brow at them both.

"Maybe we should go get Mickey?" Rose suggested. "We did lie to him and say that we were only going to be waiting in the TARDIS."

"I didn't think you wanted him to come?" The Doctor crossed his arms and leant against the console opposite to the girls.

"We did promise him" she ignored his question.

"Doctor she's right" Rita backed the blonde up. "Poor Mickey thinks he's just a tin dog," she added.

"Oh all right" He sighed moving away from the console.

"Try to get around a few hours after we left." Rita rolled her eyes. "I know what you did to Rose's mum. Poor woman, you deserved that slap." The Doctor shot her a playful glare in her direction.

"I was close" He defended himself turning dials on the console. "Twelve months is close to Twelve hours" he protested.

Rose burst out laughing Rita also then started to laugh as well speaking in between her fits of laughter. "For a Time traveller, you can't tell the big difference between twelve hours and twelve months."

"Can we just go and pick up your boyfriend Rose" the Doctor groaned.

"Oh, now you want to pick him up" She laughed again.


"I did say for you to try and get the dates correct" Rita patted the Doctors shoulder, them both slowly walking in the TARDIS with Rose and Mickey bickering behind them.

"It was my idea to actually come back for you!" She grumbled.

"Two months!" He shouted. "Two months I waited, I didn't think you were actually coming back"

"I told him to make sure it was only a few hours" Rita pointed out speaking over her shoulder.

"For someone so smart you don't know when to be quiet" the Doctor whispered into her ear.

"I could say the same for you" she whispered back grinning.

"Well you're here now aren't you!" Rose shouted at Mickey then crossed her arms and walked away from the console and into the hall obviously heading for her room.

"Great she hates me now" he dragged himself over then plopped him body down onto the jump seat. Rita whimpered a little seeing her seat she had grown to become attached to be stolen away from her.

"You'll get it back soon" the Doctor promised.

"I better or someone's going to loose a hand, and this time it won't grow back," she said cheekily grinning up at him. "I'm going to go and sleep" she then stated yawning a little. "You two" she pointed to Mickey meaning for him and Rose "Sort it out before I wake up"

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now