The Age of Steel

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"Doctor any day now!" Rita screamed. The Cybermen were inching closer and closer. The Doctor suddenly pulled out the recharging TARDIS power cell and pointed it at the Cybermen. They all get bent backwards and were atomised by golden energy.

"What the hell was that?" Ricky asked.

"We'll have that instead." The Doctor muttered then shouted for the group to run. They started to run and a horn of a van blared out as it came to an abrupt stop. A woman shouted opening the door. "Everybody, in!"

"I've got to go back." Pete protested heading towards the mansion. "My wife's in there."

The Doctor told him in the most serious tone he could as he grabbed the man's arm. "Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now."

"Come on! Get a move on!" The woman shouted.

"Rose, she's not your mother." The Doctor told her.

"I know." Rose nodded jumping into the van.

"Rita, Come on."

"Don't have to tell me twice" she jumped in the van after the Doctor sitting on his left side with Rose on his right.

"Finished chatting?" The woman asked sarcastically "Never seen a slower getaway in my life!" She started to drive off.

"I've seen the worst rescue ever" Rita muttered the Doctor looked at her frowning slightly. "Secrets I can't tell you Doctor" he nodded his head in understanding.

"What was that thing?" Ricky asked still a frown on his face. Parallel world Mickey always frowning.

"Little bit of technology from my home." The Doctor chucked it up in the air and caught it in his hand again.

Mickey frowned at it. "It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?" He asked a little worried.

The Doctor shook his head then informed him. "It's on a revitalising loop. It'll charge back up in about four hours."

"Right. So, we don't have a weapon anymore." Ricky groaned.

"With him, you never see weapons" Rita pointed out. "Wasn't a weapon anyways"

"We've got weapons. Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for men like him." Jake growled at Pete

Rose protested. "Leave him alone. What's he done wrong?" She asked snapping a little.

Jake snapped back sarcasm showing like it was blatantly obviously "Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the Government and left Lumic in charge."

"If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?" Pete asked Jake and Ricky.

"Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though." Rita glared at him.

"For someone who looks like Mickey you definitely don't act like him. Nobody is dying" Rita told him clearly.

"Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy. And take some really good advice. You don't want to do that." The Doctor warned.

Ricky shrugged the threat off. "All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for Lumic since twenty point five."

"Is that true?" Rose looked at Pete.

"Tell them, Mrs M." Ricky looked at the woman driving.

"We've got a government mole who feeds us information. Lumic's private files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week." She told them.

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now