The Age of Steel - Two

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"They're waking up. Run!" He shouted just before they started to move, Rita had luckily gave them a few extra moments to put some distance behind them. They ran through the tunnel Cybermen waking up and beginning to stomp towards them. They then came to a stop at a ladder.

"Rita go!" He shouted ordering the brunette to go first. She climbed the ladder as fast as she could and swung open the trap door climbing out. The Doctor right behind the brunette climbed up second

"Get up! Quick! Quick!" Mrs Moore shouted behind the Doctor.

"Come on! Come on!" The Doctor shouted helping Mrs Moore out of the tunnels then sealed it shut with his sonic screwdriver.

"Oh, good team, Mrs Moore. Rita are you okay?" He asked the brunette a hand on her chest.

"I'm good" she breathed waving her hand.

"Right then" The Doctor nodded. "Let's continue" Rita and Mrs Moore both agreed following the Doctor.


The three turned a corner and came face to face with a Cyberman The Doctor stood a little in front or Rita and Mrs Moore.

"You are not upgraded." It stated in the annoying robotic voice Rita dispised. Why couldn't it sound like K9? That would be hilarious.

"Yeah? Well, upgrade this." Mrs Moore threw a rod with copper wire over Rita's shoulder at the Cyberman which started to spark, jerk uncontrollably and collapsed.

The Doctor couldn't help but grin at the sight and asked in a quite high pitched voice making Rita giggle a little:" What the hell was that thing?"

"Electromagnetic bomb." Mrs Moore told them moving forward a little. "Takes out computers, I figured it might stop the cyber-suit."

"You figured right. Now, let's have a look." The Doctor walked over to the Cyberman. "Know your enemy. A logo on the front. Lumic's turned them into a brand." The Doctor removed what was the logo and supposedly the heart. "Heart of steel, but look." He shows them. Rita wrinkles her nose at the sight knowing exactly what it was.

"Is that flesh?" Mrs Moore asked.

"Hmmm. Central nervous system. Artificially grown then threaded throughout the suit so it responds like a living thing. Well, it is a living thing. Oh, but look. Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything." He took out some of the flesh and looked at it on his fingers then placed it back inside.

"It used to be like us," Rita said sadly. "A life, friends, family, everything all taken because someone didn't want to die"

"But why?" Mrs Moore asked the Doctor.

"It's still got a human brain. Imagine its reaction if it could see itself, realise itself inside this thing. They'd go insane."

"So they cut out the one thing that makes them human." Mrs Moore looked at the Cyberman with pity.

"Because they have to."

"They didn't have to do this, it was selfish, Lumic was selfish by not wanting to die. Everything lives and everything dies, Sarah Jane said that and she was right." Rita spoke angrily. The Doctor reached for her hand knowing that the brunette was upset at what had happened, he was too but just didn't show it as much. The Doctor rubbed circles over her knuckles trying to calm her down.

"Why am I cold?" The Cyberman spoke up its voice sounding as it was in pain and it was.

"Oh, my God." Mrs Moore gasped out. "It's alive. It can feel."

Parallel: From Another World [1] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now