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Amelia's POV

I woke up to the beeping of Zane's alarm clock. Ugh, we were leaving Florida today and our flight is leaving at 10am. It is currently 4:30 in the morning. I walked to my suit case and grabbed my clothes and toiletries. I took my shower then got dressed in some black leggings, a hoodie, and then I put my hair up in a bun again.

I walked out to the kitchen with my bags and pillow. "We are going to pick up breakfast on the way there, ready to go?" Zane said standing up grabbing his stuff. "Yeah! Let's go."

We put our stuff in the back of the rental car and drove to the airport. We returned the car, got breakfast at Starbucks, then went to the terminal.

After sitting for a few hours, we finally started boarding. We guy on and put our carry-on's away than sat down. This flight would be much more enjoyable since Zane and I are back to being best friends. The plane finally took off and I instantly fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up and saw we were just about to land. I woke up Zane and waited for the plane to land.

We landed and got off and went and got our bags. We then walked out to find David. We spotted the tesla and walked over and got in. "Hey guys! How was your trip?" He asked driving out of the airport. "It was pretty good!" Zane and I said at the same time, then laughed. "Are you guys back to normal?" He asked turning to us. "Baby, we've never been normal but yes, we are still best friends!" Zane said in his girly voice. We all chatted for awhile until we got back to the house.

We walked in the door and we were immediately attacked by Toddy, Scotty, Kristen, Heath, Carly, Erin, and Alex. After I had hugged all of them I went over to Alex and gave him a hug. "Hey babe." He said quietly. "It's ok, Zane knows and he's okay with it." I reassured him. "Really! That's great!" He said getting excited. Alex doesn't get excited for much, but when he does it's adorable. "Hey, wanna help me unpack?" I asked grabbing my bags. "Sure! Here, let me take those!" He said grabbing me bags from me. "Aww thank you, Alex!" We walked back to Zane and I's room and closed the door. "So how was your trip?" He said sitting on the bed. "Umm, it was okay, I stayed at Zane's house for last bit though." "Oh, why's that?" He said confused. "Well, my mom was curious as to what happened with my old boyfriend, and I told her that we had some difficulties and that I was living with Zane and the guys, then she called me a prostitute and then slapped me, so I went and packed my things, and right before I left I showed her my scars and bruises and she didn't care at all, so I went to Zane's for the rest of the trip." I said starting to cry. "Aww, Millie, I'm so sorry." He said pulling me into a hug. "It's okay, I'm feeling much better." I said sitting on the bed.

I finished putting away my clothes and then I laid down on the bed. "Alex, will you come take a nap with me?" I said holding me arms out. "Of course I will." He said laying down next to me. I snuggled in and in a matter of minutes, I was asleep.

Wow I'm a terrible person, I'm sorry I never write I am trying to get better. Please vote & comment! -Blondie

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