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Amelia's POV

I woke up the next morning and Alex was gone, but Zane had taken his place. "Hey Millie, you're awake!" "Good morning, I have a question, you always, call me Millie, can't I call you something?" "I'm too cool for a nickname, plus I've never been able to find one that really fits me." "Don't worry, I'll find one for you." I said standing up. "Alright, I'm going to go take shower and get dressed." I grabbed some clean clothes.

After my shower I put on some old sweatpants and a striped shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I heard yelling from outside. I ran out as quick as I could and saw Zane and Heath jumping around. "What's going on?!" I said walking towards them. "WE GOT THE APARTMENT BABY!" Heath said running around. "We moving out, Millie!" Zane said picking me up and spinning. "What! I didn't even know you found a place!" "Oh... We forgot to tell you didn't we?" "Uh yeah!" "Well... To make it up to you, wanna go see your new house?" "YES! Let's go now!" We all hopped in Heath's truck and went to the apartment.

When we got there I jumped out of the car and ran up to the door. "Oh wait, I have no idea where I'm going. Heath, baby lead the way!" I said pushing him forwards. He laughed and unlocked the door for us. We walked up the stairs and down the hall to the apartment. He opened the door and I was amazed. "Woah, it's huge! This is a great place!" I ran around looking at all the rooms. "This one is yours." Zane said opening a door. "Wow! This is great! It's so spacious! You guys really know how to pick an apartment." "Ok, here's the deal, Heath is moving in next week, you're moving in two weeks from now, and I'm moving in about a month from now." Zane said as we walked back to the car. "The rent isn't too bad, but we're still going to split it evenly." We got in the car and drove back to the house.

"Hey Zane, do you think you could help my write out my résumé? I wanna get a job." "Yeah, come here." We sat down at the computer table and wrote out a résumé. I then applied for a few jobs like Chipotle, Target, Sephora, and a few others.

After that I went and ate dinner with the boys. Heath had cooked us steak with baked potatoes. It was amazing. After we ate, we sat in the living room and talked for awhile. "Wow, we're all moving out, this is insane." Scott said putting his arm around Kristin. "I know, it seems like just yesterday we were all moving in." Zane said smiling. We all talked about our memories and laughed with awhile. Then suddenly, my phone rang. It was an unknown number?

I'm horrible at updating, geez. I'm so sorry. Please vote & comment! -Blondie

becoming more than friendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora