0.1 : new boy

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Ariana slammed her head against her desk as she tried to finish her essay for her class. It was due in an hour and she wasn't even sure if she was going to go to class or not.

Though she knew she should, her grades were dropping and her parents would be on her back. She thought for a second before closing her laptop and crawling towards her bed.

It was currently Tuesday and Ariana had no plans for tonight, which she despised. Ariana always wanted to be busy, she didn't want to not be doing something.

The boys were busy with God knows what, and Ariana's roommate, Alaska, was out as she normally was.

Ariana was contemplating on whether or not to sleep when she heard a knock at her door.

She groaned as she got up and made her way towards the door. She opened it to a tall, green eyed, curly haired boy with a few pieces of paper in his hands.

He was new.

"Can I help you?" Ariana asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Could y-you help me find my d-dorm? I'm turned around quite a bit, I've walked the same building three times." The boy nervously spoke, Ariana intimidated him.

"Who are you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles." The boy, Harry, smiled. His dimples showing.

He was a beautiful sight, but she would never admit it. Not now, at least.

She hesitated before giving him a quick nod and mumbled, "Let me get my shoes."

Harry handed Ariana his papers with a shaky hand, Ariana held back a laugh.

"Woah, buddy, you are on the opposite side of campus." Ariana spoke.

Harry let out a groan.

"But, it's closer to where your classes are, seeing as though your dorm building isn't far from the Chemistry building." Ariana informed him.

"That's a relief, I thought I'd have to wake up an hour earlier just to make sure I can get to class on time." Harry let out a breath.

Ariana smiled up at him, she then looked back down at the papers before walking towards Harry's dorm building.

"What is that?" Harry asked, he was looking at the small campus cafè.

Ariana took notice of Harry's deep accent, the way he talked low and slowly. It was music to her ears, she mentally rolled her eyes. She had a thing for British accents, which is why she loved living in England.

"Oh, it's the campus cafè. It has your usual foods and coffees. It doesn't look like one now, they're rebuilding it, but you can still go in if you'd like, they're only doing the outside. Stupid really." Ariana rolled her eyes as she tells Harry.

"Is there a library close to campus?" Harry smiled.

Harry was a book worm, and found joy in reading books. He could read anything as long as it was good.

"Um, yeah. There's one on campus or there's one a few blocks down from here. I go there to study a lot, it's quite nice."

Harry nods as he looks around the campus.

Ariana took this as an opportunity to learn about Harry.

"Where are you coming from?" Ariana asked as she entered the dorm building.

"America. I was living in California with my dad, but I wanted to come back here and be where my mum is." Harry quietly says.

"I used to live in California." Ariana smiles, and begins to look at dorm numbers.

"Did you?"

"Yeah. I lived in Boca Raton, Florida before my mom got a job opportunity there. It was nice, we lived in the San Francisco area." Ariana stopped in front of the dorm Harry was assigned to.

She quickly took the key from the envelope and unlocked the door.

"Here you are." Ariana said and walked into to the room like she was a Real Estate Agent.

"Thank you-" Harry stopped speaking when he realized he didn't know Ariana's name.

"Ariana Grande." Ariana held out her hand.

"I guess I'll see you around, Styles." Ariana gave a soft smile as she headed towards the door.

"Bye." Harry whispered to the door that had already been shut.



I wanted to create this story for so long, but never had the courage so here I am very shyly about to post this.

anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!

alaska - harianaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن