1.1 : i've got you

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Harry kept Ariana in his lap until she fell back to sleep, and soon her sobs eventually turned into quiet snores and he played with her hair; putting her mind at ease.

And when six o'clock rolled around, he woke Niall to get doughnuts, which he happily agreed to drive. He could obviously never say no to food.

As they headed towards a bakery Niall quietly asked,"Is she okay?"

He had heard Ariana screaming, and Harry saying "I've got you."

"You heard her?" Harry asked, ignoring his question.

Niall nodded, "So did Alaska. She said this isn't the first time."

Harry frowned, "To answer your question, I'm not completely sure. I know she's hiding something from me, but she is calmed down. You should have seen her eyes, Niall. They were wild, like she had no control and they were filled with worry."

She really didn't have control.

"Have you talked to her? About this?"

"No, not yet. I just put her back to sleep before I woke you." Harry smiled as it made it seem like she was a baby; she was. She was his baby.


An hour later, they got back to the hotel and decided Niall's room would do for everyone to eat.

Harry quickly set down the drinks and told Niall he'd be back soon, he left and went to Ariana.

He found her sitting up in bed, staring out the window, looking at absolutely nothing; her mind had taken over.

He walked over to her, her head barely turning towards him before she whispered out a quiet, "Good morning, Harry."

"Mornin' princess. What are you doing?" He cautiously asked, not wanting to over step boundaries.

"Just looking outside, thinking, the usual."

He nodded his head. He sat down on the bed next to her and pulled her into his lap. She smiled when he placed kisses all over her face, it was the first smile he saw since last night, and that felt like ages ago.

"Can we talk about what happened? Only if you want, you don't have to." Harry whispered, his lips pressed on her shoulder.

He wanted her to feel safe.

She let out a soft hum, "That was not the first time. They've been happening for years, ever since I was itty bitty. I don't know why they've started, my mom told me something really bad happened to me, but she will never tell me. So, I've just had to deal with them. I can't control them, but I've figured out ways to not wake people when they happen."

"When I was younger, my mom would have to come into my room at least three times a week until I was almost ten. After my tenth birthday, she stopped coming into my room when they happened. She said I was too old to still be having them, and I think she thought that would get them to stop, but they didn't. They got worse. They got really, really bad, Harry. I kept duct tape on my nightstand, to tape my mouth shut when I went to sleep, so that way when they happened I wouldn't wake my parents, or my neighbors when I screamed."

"I honestly think that she believes I don't have them anymore, but I do and they won't stop and I don't know how to stop them. It scares me a lot of the time. That just makes it ten times worse, because I don't usually have a safe person to go to. I had Alaska, but that was only when she spent the night. So, it's just been me, and I'm scared of me."

"Does something trigger it?" Harry wanted to understand better.

"Yeah, if I am really scared that can definitely be a major trigger. But, not always. Sometimes it can just happen, for no reason. I have no control, and I need you to know that. I don't have any control when they happen."

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