0.2 : soft pink rose and the shining sunflower

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"You've got to be kidding me." Ariana groaned as she looked at her buzzing phone.

Her mother was calling her, and she knew exactly why, her grades were below her parents standards. Her mother was less strict than her father, but she knew her mom was only calling because her father forced her to.

"Hi, Momma." Ariana spoke into the phone.

"Hello, you know about your grades right?" Ariana heard her mother sigh.

"Yes, and they are going to be where you want them to be. Promise."

"Why aren't they where they should be now?" She questioned.

"It's been a rough week." Ariana lied as she plays with a pen on her desk, drawing little doodles on her paper.

Truth is, Ariana didn't feel like going.

"Okay. I trust that you are going to get those grades up. How are you?"

Ariana sighed, "I'm good. Sometimes want to throw myself because I'm behind on so much stuff but it's all good. How are you? Everything going okay back home?"

"Everything is fine. Did you hear about our new neighbors? They just moved here from New York! Do you remember when we got the chance to live there? Because of Frankie? Apparently they have a son in college over in England too, moved back with his mom, about your age I believe. Maybe a year or so ol-"

"Is the family's last name Styles?" Ariana cut off her mother, suddenly becoming very curious.

"Yes. Do you know them?" Her mother questioned.

"I met their son, Harry. He was lost and didn't know where his dorm was so I showed him to it."

"Oh! What's he like?"

Ariana was about to answer when her door swung open, revealing an overly excited Alaska.

"Ariana! You're never going to believe what just happened!" Alaska practically yelled as she jumped towards her bed.

Ariana laughed, "Momma, I'll call you later. I love you."

"Alright, be safe! I love you!" Her mother replied before Ariana hung up.

Ariana turned to Alaska struggling to kick off her sneakers.

"What happened?" Ariana asked, laughing at her friend as she finally got her shoes off.

"So, I was walking down the hallway, going to my Sociology class, I hate it but whatever, when this guy ran up and smooched me! I'm talking like his lips went above and beyond my lips. It was like he was making out with my nose!" She exclaimed as she holds her nose, giving a small demonstration.

"Let me get this straight, he smooched you? Not kissed, not pecked, but smooched." Ariana questioned.

Out of all of the words Alaska could have used to describe that, she chose"smooched."

"Yes! Except it wasn't with my lips, it was with my nose!" Alaska grabbed her nose again, her blue eyes wide.

Ariana laughed, "Okay, okay. I get it."

Ariana went back to working on her paper, and Alaska sat by the window in their dorm. She looked outside, the sun was covered with dark clouds, preventing it to shine brightly onto the busy campus with students coming and going.

Alaska looked to the left of the window, and she grabbed the vase that sat there, inside of it contained two flowers: a soft pink rose and a shining sunflower.

She ran her fingers over the soft pedals of the flowers, and smiled to herself. She loved that even when it looked gloomy and dark, the flowers stood out against it. It's as if they had their own rules, and nothing could break them.

They had their own light, and they made the room seem brighter.


The following days were the same as the last to the two girls: wake up, go to class, come back, study.

They both hated it. They hated not doing something dangerous, or extreme, or something even to just to keep them busy for a bit.

Ariana ended up calling Zayn, to see if he was busy.

"Hello?" He answered, his voice sounding sleepy.

"What are you up to?" Alaska shouted before Ariana could say anything.

"Nothing really. I was going to ask if you guys wanted to do something."

"Well you know Alaska and I, we can't be doing nothing for the rest of our lives." Ariana laughed.

"All right, come on over. I'll see you guys soon."

They were excited to be going back to the way it was before, but little did they know this would change their lives forever; that little soft pink rose and the shining sunflower would mean more to them than they could ever imagine.


y'all already know the whole Alaska "smooch" story and character is inspired by John Green so i do not take any credits for that, all reds go to the amazing john green( I love that book omg)

anyways hi hello how r u -a

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