0.7 : how could someone

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Alaska stuck her head out the window in the early morning hours, her hair flowing behind her.

Zayn looked over at her, and a soft smile appears on his lips. Everyone else in the car were still asleep, the two of them had gotten up early so Alaska could give him directions.

The map had little drawings on it, cities marked off, and the beginning letters of everyone's name were written on the back. They were going to pin it to a random bridge, and hope that someone would find it and create a new path, pin it and have someone else find it.

The crazy thing is, Alaska was a soft spot in Zayn's heart, and he wanted to become close with her, he was just too shy.


Around ten, Harry, Ariana, Liam and Niall woke up. Louis was still sleeping, his head resting against the window and his crazy hair was covered by his red Adidas hoodie.

"Where are we now, Alaska?" Ariana asked as she grabbed her yarn, getting ready to finish Alaskas blanket.

"We're about to enter Watford." She replied looking at the map, her fingernails, her red nails chipping, tracing the road lines.

"We should stop." Harry said.

Zayn looked at him through the review mirror, "Why?"

"Well, we've all never been in Watford, right?"

They all nod their heads.

"Why don't I take a picture, of all of you, in a place you've never been in."

"But what about you? You have never been here, you should be in the picture too." Ariana said, frowning.

He gave a soft smile, "If my pictures were to ever become recognized and become famous and be in a museum, they will learn I took them. Besides, my turn will come."

Ariana knew that she will have to accept the answer Harry gave her, there was no way of talking him into being in the picture. She left it at that.

Zayn had pulled over before Ariana could gather her thoughts, and by the time she did, they were all waiting for her.

When she met up with the group, they begin walking towards the small diners, their hands intertwined. As they were walking, Harry stopped and took a picture of them. He found it amazing that one day he would be able to say "I traveled England with some of the best people I know."

In fact, they all did.

They knew that one day they would be able to get to share their experience of what they did. What they learned and who they met. What they saw and heard. It was absolutely fascinating. But what they didn't know, they would also share their pain and heartache and unconditional love along this journey. And how they questioned on if they should turn around or keep going.

What would be the right decision?


As they drove, and drove, and drove, pictures lined the inside of Zayn's van. Each one, with its own beauty, held something. It held something that no one, sometimes not even them, knew.

Some of them, were blurry. You could make some of them out, they had big smiles on their faces, others you had no idea what was going on other than there were people in the picture and they liked it like that; it was their secret. Some of them, were clear as day. With everyone but Harry in them.

Harry preferred it that way. He always liked to be behind the camera. He knew that one day it was going to happen, that he would be the one in front of it, but for now, he was completely satisfied with being behind the camera.

He held a picture, hidden in between his phone and his phone case, of Ariana.

He adores her. He's intrigued by her. How could someone mean so much to another? How could their laughter makes his heart skip a beat? How could their smile make him lose his breath? How could he forget how to talk around them? How could their eye colour become his favorite? How could their height be perfect for him? How could their presence make his palms become clammy and not know what to say to greet them?

He always got lost in thought about Ariana. He can picture himself with her in the future. Through everything: pain, heartache, happiness.

She was his flowers. There was no right flower for her, you couldn't pick just one. She was all kinds and he loved that.

He felt his chest fill with a little more color each time he talked to her, he felt the stars on his body learn to connect to one another each time she touched him, he became a little bit warmer each time she hugged him, he became a little less scared of the future each time she rubbed her thumb across his hand in reassurance, his nightmares slowly went away with each night she laid her head against his chest, her hand by his heart.

Only Ariana could do that, only Ariana had that power. The power to make Harry love life again, the power to give Harry a will to live, the power to give off light even in the darkest of places, to make someone understand a little bit more of themselves, the power to capture the beauty in everyone, the power to make the terrible things go away.

How could someone make him feel this way?


all the love -a

alaska - harianaWhere stories live. Discover now