0.3 : getaway

521 31 17

Ariana and Alaska began to make their way over to Zayn's dorm. They made small talk, pointing at the flowers they saw on their walk; roses, daisy's, tulips, they even took a few pictures by the cherry blossom trees. Those were Ariana's favorite.

"Ariana?" A voice spoke from behind them.

Ariana turns around to a lopsided, dimpled smile, bright green eyes and messy curly hair - Harry.

"Harry, hi." Ariana smiled up at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Alaska and I are going to a friend of ours. Oh! Alaska this is Harry, Harry this is my best friend, Alaska."

They exchange a quick hello and Alaska says she going to go ahead and go to Zayn's, leaving the two alone. Ariana knew she did it on purpose, Harry, on the other hand, thought she was just impatient.

"Are you getting the hang of it around here? Or are you still ending up at the girls dorms?" Ariana asked Harry with a laugh.

He blushed, "Yeah, it isn't that hard after a day or two."

Ariana bit her lip before replying, "Are you doing anything today?"

"No, why?"

"Do you want to come to Zayn's with me?"

He smiled, "I'd love to."

And the two made their way over, Harry begins to pick up random flowers and place them in Ariana's hair, she had curled it that morning which made the flowers fall in place perfectly. She laughed every time he broke the flower instead of the stem, or when he complained that it didn't fall into her hair the way he wanted it to.

Harry smiled to himself, she wasn't wearing any makeup, her hair was down and wavy and, now, had flowers throughout it, and he found it to be the most beautiful sight.

He told himself right there that art was everywhere.

She was art.

And she was going to fill his canvas.


Zayn had come up with a crazy idea, well crazy to Harry. He wanted to get away from here - they all wanted to. Harry thought he came at the wrong time of the school year. Exams for the final semester were just weeks away, they should be studying, not planning a "hey let's runaway" trip!

Harry's feelings were quite the opposite of Ariana's, she was excited about the idea, she wanted to make all the plans. Of course Harry wanted to get away too, but he didn't want to miss exams.

Harry tried to get the group to stay until exams were done, the last day of exams they would leave, even though they would still have a week of school until they were officially done. To his surprise, they all agreed.

When Alaska and Ariana got back to their room, they quickly began to plan the, in Harry's words, "hey let's runaway" trip - they actually called it a getaway. They started to list the important things that they would need.

"Alaska!" Ariana yelled at the girl who spilt her water on the paper.

"Hey! I'm making art!" Alaska laughed and she looked at the pen ink smearing from the water.

"Now we need to rewrite all of this! And, you FAILED ar-" Ariana's stomach rumbled, interrupting her sentence.

"Food break?"



Ariana and Alaska went to a small food restaurant, ordering whatever sounded good to them.

"Where do you think we should go?" Alaska asked with a mouth full of food.

"What if we follow one of those maps that say 'this is the best road trip road follow the line' or whatever they're called." Ariana replied.

"That means it'll be a long ass trip." She pointed her index finger at her.

"Which also means we need to get as much money as we possibly can. My parents should be sending me some money soon, I told them I needed it for books."

Alaska nodded, "I have money saved."

"Do you think the rest of the lads do?" Ariana asked.

Alaska shrugged.

They both started to scribble on the pieces of paper they had brought. They wrote down how much money they would need for gas, food, and everything else. They made the plan, they had it down to the tiny details, and they were more than excited to get this in full speed.

The sun started to run away from the moon when Ariana and Alaska started to go back to their dorm.

"Do you think we will ever be one of the stars?" Ariana asked as she looked up into the moonlight.

"One day." Alaska answered, the stars filled her eyes.

They both wanted to be one of the millions of stars out there, they feel that's where they come from, and at some point they will go back home. It wasn't hard to know that the two of them thought differently than the rest of their friends.

Ariana walked with the moon and the constellations imprinted on her body.

Every time you looked into Alaska's eyes you saw the universe.

When they got back to the dorm, and after Alaska went to sleep, Ariana snuck out to go to one of her favorite places. She took her notebook with her, and she left a trail of light behind her. There was one thing she did not expect though, to see him sitting there.



long time no see how is everybody

do you have any predictions for this book?
if so what do you think will happen???

ily - a

alaska - harianaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن