1.7 // history

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A few weeks after Alaska's funeral, Ariana and the boys moved into a home together. They're the happiest they have been in awhile, and they were all starting to get healthier. Mentally and physically.

The boys had been signed with a record company, someone recorded them singing at the funeral and it went viral, so now they were currently in the process of making their first album. Due to Ariana's, what she says, "amazing promo page," they have already gained thousands of followers.

"Someone asked when the album is coming out, what do I say?" Ariana questions.

"Just say soon, they'll freak out!" Louis laughs.

She continues to answer questions for the boys whilst they write their newest song of the night: More Than This.

So far, everyone's favourite was One Thing because it was a slow yet upbeat song, and the face Liam makes as he sings it makes Ariana's stomach hurt from the amount of laughter she endures.

The boys were bickering when Ariana came back from the kitchen with snacks.

She raises her eyebrows, "What is going on?"

"They're being idiots and cant settle on a line for the next verse," Zayn rolls his eyes with a cheeky grin.

"Hey! You're one of the idiots!" Harry points out.

She sets the food down and takes a seat next to Louis, "Okay, one by one I want you to sing me the verse with one of the lines."

The only one that sits well is: "I've never had the words to say,
But now I'm askin' you to stay
For a little while inside my arms,
And as you close your eyes tonight,
I pray that you will see the light,
That's shining from the stars above,"

"It's the only one that really makes sense with the rest of the song," she explains.

Louis raises his hands, "Thank you!"

"You didn't like mine?" Harry pouts.

"Sorry, love, but Louis' matches the best. I don't even know what yours is about!" she laughs.

He sticks his tongue out at her before smiling and stealing a cookie from the tray of food.

For the rest of the night, the boys wrote songs with the occasional help from Ariana to settle a dispute between lyrics. And it was at this moment, they all knew that the balance has started to come back into their lives.


At three in the morning, Ariana was up and running to bathroom, vomiting everything she had eaten the day before.

The worst of it was the salad, the lettuce felt like it was slicing her throat. When she sucks in a breath, she manages to choke on her own spit, resulting in more vomit.

She sighs and flushes the toilet. She waits a few minutes to make sure she won't vomit again before she crawls towards the sink, getting on her knees to water her toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it.

She sits back down and brushes her teeth, feeling relief when she only tastes mint in her mouth. She spits it out before heading down the stairs and lazily making her way to the kitchen to grab some water.

She chugs the first class before refilling it, but this time with sprite to settle her stomach, and making her way back to her room. She sets it on the nightstand, before crawling back into bed, a snoring Harry laid sprawled out next to her. She smiles before closing her eyes and trying to get some sleep.

A few minutes later she's pushing the covers off of her because it's too hot. The cold air hitting her burning skin calmed her, and she was off to sleep.


Four and a half hours later she is up again, running to the bathroom once more, vomiting stomach acid, and dry heaving. She lets out a few stray tears, and vomits more acid.

Liam wakes up due to needing to use the bathroom, but instead he finds a rosy faced Ariana next to the toilet.

He rushes over to her, "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head.

"Are you ill? Have you been vomiting?"

She nods her head.

All of the possibilities run through his mind before he embarrassingly asks her, "You don't think your pregnant, right?"

She turns even more red before speaking, "No, Harry and I.. we haven't,"

"Oh, thank god," he sighs.

She raises an eyebrow at him.

"No! Not like that! Like, oh thank god you're not pregnant," he quickly explains.

She nods her head an agreement before gagging and moving her body to the toilet again.

He rubs her back while she finishes, and wipes her mouth of any remaining spit.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go get you some medicine. I'm going to take you to my room so Harry doesn't get sick - or worry," he adds.

He carries her to his room and gently lays her on the bed, before quickly descending down the stairs to find some medicine.


A week and some odd days later, Ariana is now better (the flu took over her life momentarily) and is getting ready to tell the world the boys' album release date.

"Five more minutes!" she exclaims.

"Can you believe we get to do this shit? Like, we get to do THIS." Zayn gushes.

"What is this life?" Niall laughs as he grabs another slice of pizza.

"This is so cool, the world gets to hear us and gets to listen to our music, we're going to be on the radio!" Louis yells.

The excitement was evident, the energy was flowing, the boys could not sit still as they were all pacing or jumping, or moving their legs up and down.

"It's time, it's time!" Ariana says before she clicks the "Post" button.

"How are they going to react?" Harry questions.

"With excitement, mate!" Liam puts an arm around him.

Minutes later, Ariana refreshes the page and lets the boys look at all of the comments. She was so proud of them, and she rubs the small 'A' tattooed on the inside of her wrist. She knows Alaska is too, and it felt like she was screaming with them.

Louis looks up from the computer, and looks at the boys, and then Ariana, "Let's make fucking history."

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