0.4 : art x just a little bit of your heart

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Stoping dead in her tracks, Ariana looks at the boy laying down underneath the big willow tree. She observes him for a moment, getting lost in his beauty before speaking.

"Harry?" She whispers, not knowing if he was awake or not.

"I'm awake." He replies, opening one eye to look at her.

"What are you doing here?"

Harry shrugs, "It seemed peaceful and I wanted to see the stars."

Ariana softly smiles, she sits down next to him and places her notebook on the grass.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, playing with strands of grass.

"It's my favorite spot. I like to come here to write, to read, and to just sit and look at everything."

Harry nods silently, partly because he doesn't know what to say and because he doesn't want to ruin the moment. Ariana lays down and plays with the small patch of flowers that are growing.

Harry watches her intently, the way a small smile will play upon her lips as she plays with the flowers. His eyebrows furrowed when she frowned at the one dead flower in the patch.

"Why are you looking at me?" Ariana whispers, keeping her eyes on the stars.

Harry took notice of the tiny accent she had and to him, for some odd reason, it was so incredibly beautiful; like art.

"I don't know." Harry lies.

He did know why; she was art. She was a masterpiece and she was so oblivious to it. He wanted her to be in a museum, so everyone could see her beauty. But nobody could touch her beauty, no one could ruin it. It was a one-of-a-kind type beauty.

Harry didn't want to confess that, so he laid there while she was sitting, playing with the small flowers. She would look up at the stars every once in a while and smile to herself.

Eventually, after Harry fell asleep, Ariana took out her notebook and began to write little things, doodle in the corner and write Harry's name in different fonts.

She smiled at the way her pen easily wrote his name, like it was made to do such a thing. She drew small tulips on the page and surrounded it in words.

She drew different types of simple little tents in an area, she drew a van traveling down a road and her heart flutter when she realizes that soon, that will be her with her little family.

And soon after, Ariana closes her notebook, and lays besides Harry. Doing exactly what Harry had done hours earlier, and fell asleep with each other invading their minds.


Just before the sun began to wake, Harry wakes up. Ariana was laying next to the flowers and her hair was laying behind her, as if the wind were blowing it away. Little strands of hair were laying on her cheek but Harry thought she looked absolutely breath taking.

He couldn't resist himself, digging into his bag he pulls out his white Polaroid, and stands up.

He took a picture of his definition of the actual sleeping beauty. He did not mind that it was blurry, because although you couldn't clearly see her face, he knew why he took it. The person in the picture, the one who makes his heart race, palms clammy, mouth dry; that person is why. And that is what matters to him.

She will know too, soon enough, of what he feels. He wants to capture every moment of her. Not with a camera, but with his eyes, so when he is alone at night with his darkest thoughts she is the light that breaks through.

Ariana didn't wake up, she is a heavy sleeper. Harry picks up some of the flowers and gently places them by her heart. He smiles at her and whispers "goodnight, love."

He lays back down next to her, and falls asleep just as the sun comes up to say hello.


In the early morning hours, Ariana wakes up to Harry's arm wrapped around her waist and his face nuzzled into her neck.

She gently pats his shoulder to wake him and he shakes his head and nuzzled even further into her neck, if that was even possible.

"Harry, wake up. We have to go to our classes." Ariana whispers.

He shakes his head once again, "No, it's Saturday. It's fine, go back to sleep."

His raspy morning voice made her heart go crazy, with butterflies flying around her stomach.

"Okay." She whispers.

Harry knew that she wasn't going to go back to sleep, so he lifts his head from his place in between her neck and pulls her closer.

She rests her head on his chest and listens to his heart beat. The way he smelt and the sound of his heart made her sleepy. The soft, calm and then fast beat, the way it filled her head, it made her want to listen to it until she took her last breath.

Thinking he was asleep, he was not, the fact that she was in his arms made his mind go wild, she whispers, "Just a little bit of your heart is all I want."

Harry smiles to himself, he kept repeating those words in his head. He promises himself right then, right there, he would make her something special out of that. A few minutes later he kisses her head and went to sleep himself, not giving a damn who will see.


I am so content on how this book is going - I'm so happy!!!!

also!! by what i mean by *IN THE MOMENT* is that most of the chapters in this are in past tense, meaning that it already happened at the last few chapters will be right in the moment.

this one was oddly special to me so i wanted to make it in the moment, where, to me,it feels more real and their emotions are more raw.does that make sense???? lol sorry if it doesnt i can't explain things.

Photo By: Abby Link
Instagram: link.abby

hi!!! - a

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