0.9 : i was

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I was five when I met her, her blonde hair shined in the sun, they were in braids and fell in the middle of her back. She looked at me and smiled as her mother unpacked their belongings out of the boot of the car, they were the new neighbours next door.

I was seven when I proclaimed her as my best friend. She was the only one who showed up at my birthday party, besides family. Her front tooth had just started to grow in and her hair was still in their usual braids, only this time, they were reaching just shy of her bottom.

I was ten when she punched a girl in the face for calling me mean names, no one had ever stuck up for me. She gave me a hug and said she would always protect me, and I would always protect her. We were always the smallest ones in school, I was five foot and she was five-two, we were the champions of hide-and-seek.

I was fifteen when I had tried to take my own life for the very first time. Alaska had found me, she was going to surprise me with sweets and a whole bunch of horror films (that was our favourite), but I was unconscious, laying on my bed with the empty pill bottle beside me. My letter neatly folded on my nightstand, right in front of a picture of Alaska and I, it was addressed to her.

At eighteen we decided to go to the same college together, and leave together. Make friends, go to parties and live college life. We wanted the full best friend college experience.

Today, we stand together, hand in hand, looking around at where we are, dreaming about where we'll end up.


filler :P - A

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