1.0 : close call

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"And we are on the move again!" Alaska yelled at the ass-crack of dawn. Literally. It was a quarter till six and the sun was just barely saying "Good morning."

They all groaned, she was the first one to always wake up, and she would always yell to wake the rest of them up. And as they all rubbed their sleepy eyes, she smiled so brightly that even the sun was jealous, she quite possibly wanted to go back to her hiding place. Her blue eyes held the ocean, anyone could get lost when looking in them.

They packed, and Ariana cleaned their mess up, which consisted of a lot of food wrappers, and when she passed Harry's bag, she sneakily took his polaroid and took a picture of them. All moving around to different locations, all in the moment.

"Hey!" Harry smiled.

"What?" She asked innocently, putting the camera behind her back.

"I'm supposed to be the camera man, remember? I'm not supposed to be in the pictures." He laughed.

"Oh, come on! You can be in a few." She spoke as she smiled down at the picture.

He grinned as she handed him the picture and put his polaroid in her bag, "It's my turn to be the photographer."

Soon enough, they were headed out to Zayn's van and got back on the road, to a whole new place, with a whole new atmosphere. One that they would refer to as the "Close Call."


By this time, they had no idea where they were going. Alaska and Ariana had doodled so much on the map that they couldn't read what things said. Niall's head covered half of the map anyway. So, instead of buying a new one, they taped that one to the ceiling and decided to just follow the road.

Zayn turned down the radio and said , "You know, it's really frusting not knowing where we are half of the time. Especially when we start to run out of gas, what am I to do?"

"Find a gas station?" Louis replied sarcastically.

"With what? We've got no map and no knowledge of where we are!" Ariana could sense that Zayn was becoming to be really upset, and she did not want this trip to have a single argument.

"Zayn, it's okay. We'll find a shop or a small town and get a map." Ariana spoke gently.

He drew in a breath, "God knows how long that'll take."

Zayn sped up, taking sharp turns a tad bit fast, sending Ariana into a full blown panic attack. Her palms became clammy, her heart sped up to the speed of the van, and her eyes spilled tears.

"Zayn! Please slow down," She whimpered out, Harry pulling her into his lap.

Zayn didn't listen, which led to Louis yelling, Liam trying to calm him, Harry comforting Ariana, leaving Niall and Alaska trying to get Zayn to reduce his speed. They had no idea what exactly set him off. Sure, Louis was being a smartass, but why would that tip him off so much? To the point of risking not only everyones life in the van, but also everyone around them.

"Lad, this isn't sa-" Niall was cut off by Alaska yelling that there was a sharp turn and a warning sign that said, "CLIFF AHEAD."

He slammed of the breaks, the smell of burning rubber filling their noses. It flung Ariana out of Harry's lap, straight into the middle row, hitting her head on the center console. She cried out in pain when Liam pulled her body up.

Niall's face was red, angry at Zayn for risking their lives, not paying attention, and hurting Ariana.

"I'm so sorr-" Zayn tried to apologize.

"Save it, Malik. Get out, I'm driving." Niall spoke as calm as he possibly could.

Alaska stared in shock of what just occurred, she would usually be cussing up a storm by now, but this time, she had no words.

Zayn got out of the drivers seat and watched as Niall got in the drivers.

"Niall, wait a minute, let's make sure Ari is okay, yeah?" Liam asked.

Niall nodded as everyone got out of the van. They all watched as Liam, who was studying medicine so he probably knew more than them of signs of injuries, examined Ariana. Her head clearly hurt, but something made her chest hurt too. Maybe it was from hitting the seat, or maybe her heart was just sad and a storm decided to come.

Harry was anxious. Ariana was hurt, he couldn't even wrap his arms around her waist fast enough to stop her from flying out of his lap. He couldn't protect her. He was worried she had hurt something major, he didn't want her to be in pain. He was furious at Zayn, for not listening to any of them, completely disregarding their pleas and Ariana whimpers.

But this would not be the first time Zayn, and everyone else really, ignored the pleas and whimpers for help.


They had finally found another gas station, bought a few snacks and they would not leave without another map. They even went as far as buying a few extras just incase they were to lose one. And maybe just so Ari and Ska could draw to their hearts content on the non-important map.


And soon enough, they found a cheap little hotel, and decided to stay a few days more than they usually would. Mainly just to calm down after what happened, but also because they were really fucking tired of being in the van twenty-four seven.

Harry demanded that he share a room with Ariana, he was scared that she would have another attack and he didn't want to just stand around this time. So Niall and Alaska shared a room, leaving Louis and Liam with a quiet Zayn. Zayn really didn't mean to let his temper get the best of him, but with everything that has been going on with his family, being under so much pressure, not knowing where the hell they were going - it was too much. And he regretted every minute of it.

Zayn went to sleep that night with regret and sadness.

Alaska went to sleep that night with questions invading her mind.

Louis went to sleep that night with anger, he knew he'd wake up feeling better.

Liam went to sleep that night with plans for tomorrow.

Niall went to sleep with Alaska on his mind.

Ariana went to sleep with fear and anxiety.

And Harry, well, he didn't go to sleep. Instead, he sat on the couch in front of the bed, watching his precious baby sleep.


"No, no, no, please stop! Stop!" Harry heard Ariana screaming in the midst of a longass piss.

"Help me, please! Please, please help me." She whimpered out.

He flushed the toilet, quickly washed his hands and ran out to the bed, where she laid thrashing around, covered in sweat.

"Baby, wake up, you're okay." Harry shook her shoulders.

She kept thrashing.

"Ariana, baby, please wake up." He shook a bit harder, and her brown eyes shot open.

She looked over at him and bursted into tears, and he scooped her up and held her in his lap, kissed her hair repeatedly while whispering "I've got you, you're okay."

She was safe.


hi!!!!! i have no excuse for why i've been absent, i suppose i just haven't had the motivation? i've been reading all these different stories and it made me in the mood to write so hi!!

how was your chrimuh? anything cool happen / got anything cool you like??

i got a shitload of AG stuff :))))

i also asked my sister to get me a frappe because I'm sad so lets see if she does.

have a good night u r beautiful!


alaska - harianaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz