Chapter Two

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Jaime's P.O.V

this seriously could not be happening. Olivia is my best friend. she couldn't be in love with me. No, she just couldn't.

I had drove a bit down the street cause I didn't trust myself to drive home. I laid my seat all the way back and I turned on some nirvana. it's what I always listened too when I was confused, upset, or really any sort of emotion.

this was a lot to process.

Olivia Marie Almendarez. My beautiful, amazing best friend, is in love with me?

I never thought of her like that. She always had just been my best friend ever since the fourth grade.

But she has always been there for me. through all my bullshit. she's been there for me. I knew I could always count on her.

"NO!" I yelled at Olivia. "calm down, Jaime!" she yelled over me trying to calm me down. "no, Olivia. I can't calm down. she's dead," I said. my vision was getting blurry from tears. "she's dead!" I yelled and punched the wall. I drew back a bloody fist. I didn't feel it though. I punched again, and again, and again.

"Jaime!" she yelled. I stopped and looked at her. "nothing matters! okay!? nothing will ever matter again!" I yelled. she was dead. Julia is dead. she hung herself in her room from her ceiling fan. I love her. she was my girlfriend. and I couldn't save her. her own boyfriend couldn't save her.

"It's going to be okay!" she yelled and half cried at me. she pulled me into a hug and i slowly fell to the ground with her arms wrapped around me tightly.

"she was loved. that's what we need to focus on. she died, loved. and if you ask me, that's better then dying unloved. she had you Jaime. she was lucky. but her demons caught up to her. she couldn't out run them anymore. she made the mistake of letting them win. but now she's somewhere better. her demons aren't after her anymore. she's up there with my mom, Jaime. My mom will be sure to protect her. she's up there with my baby brother, Jack'll keep her company. she's safe there. she's not alone. she'll be happier now," Olivia sobbed with me.

"why couldn't I make her happy, Olivia?" I asked holding her tightly like I feared she would leave if I didn't.

"you tried your hardest, that's what counts. Julia loved you. you could see it in her eyes. she loved you. she was my friend. she always told me she did," she said and I could feel her tears dripping on my back.

"I don't know where I would be without you, Olivia," I said wiping the tears from her face. she wiped the tears of my face.

"I love you, Jaime," she said with a sad smile.

"I love you too, Olive," I said.

She got me threw the roughest time of my life. Olivia was the reason I didn't off myself as well. She did it for me cause she loves me. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. But kissing her and loving her like that? the idea scared me for some reason and I couldn't figure out why.

this was Olivia were talking about. the one who would speak fluent Spanish with my mom. the one who calmed me down whenever I got upset. the one who would do anything for the people she loved cause that's who she was. the Olivia who always wore a heart shaped necklace that once belonged to her mother. this was the Olivia who has felt so much pain in her life but still loved everyone she could. the Olivia who was incapable of hate. even the girls who used to picked on her at school. she didn't hate them. she always said that they just didn't understand what they were doing and If they understood they would stop.

she was so naive. she's strong, and tough. that's the reason I had become friends with her in the first place. she was confident and sure if herself, even at 9. the idea of that comforted me.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα