Chapter Seven

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Lately Jaime's been busier with the band. it's been a week since I've seen him so I'm gonna surprise him tonight since I got the day off.

At around seven I started getting ready. I put my my favorite black panties and a matching bra.

I pulled on a pair of gray colored shorts with a red sweater and my red vans.

I left my hair and face all natural.

at around seven thirty I left.

when I got to Jaime's house I walked in. "hello?" I yelled.

"room!" he yelled back.

I walked upstairs to his room.

"hey, Olivia. what are you going here?" he asked seeming nervous.

" I came to surprise you," I said.

I dropped my bag by his door and slipped out of my shoes.

"one second." he said and ran out of the room.


I sat down on his bed.

he came back into his room and smiled at me. "sorry,"

"it's okay," I said.

"boy, can I tell you a wonderful thing? I can't help but notice your staring at me. I know I shouldn't say this but I really believe I can tell by your eyes that your in love with me," I quoted.

he pulled me into a kiss.

it grew faster. his kisses got rougher.

he pushed me gently down on the bed.

I pulled off his shirt and he pulled off mine. Jaime kissed my cheek, then my jaw line, then right behind my ear. he move down to my neck. I let out a small moan when he got to my soft spot which made him chuckle softly.

he kissed my collar bone then unhooked my bra and threw it on the floor. He gave me small kisses on each of my boobs then kissed all the way down till he pulled off my shorts revealing my black laced underwear. he pulled those off too and continued until he reached my pelvic bone.

he pulled off his jeans he was wearing, we both at this point were completely naked.

he got on top of me and we did it.

when we were done he laid down next to me.

"you were my first," I said.

"mine too," he said.

we both laughed at how ridiculous that was.

we were 18 year old virgins until a couple minutes ago.

"I love you so much, Jaime," I said.

"I love you so much too, Olivia," he said.

we jumped up and scrabbled our clothes on when we heard the front door open.

we casually watched tv, holding hands as mama Preciado walked in.

"awh. my babies," she said.

"hi mama Preciado," I said.

"hey, sugar," she said. "I'm gonna make some dinner, how about you stay for it?" she said.

I nodded "sounds good," I said.

Mama Preciado walked away and shut the door behind her.

"do you think she realized?" I said.

"realized what?" he said. he was always clueless.

"my bra is still on the floor," I said.

Jaime laughed and got up off the bed. He picked up my bra.

"it's a really sexy bra I got to admit," he said.

I took the bra from him and put it on under my shirt.

we sat back down on his bed and waited until his mom called for dinner.

me and Jaime ran down the stairs. Mama Precaido made kabobs. they were Jaime's favorite.

"ah yes. such a good day," he said and piled the kabobs on his plate.

Mam Precaido made 2 vegetarian kabobs for me. mostly with weird veggies and rice balls on them. it was really good.

once I finished I went home.


it's been a four days since me and Jaime had sex. he hasn't called or anything and he's leaving tomorrow.

"hey papa," I said when I walked in the living room.

"Hey," he said not looking up from his files.

"I'm gonna head over to Jaime's for a bit," I said.

"be safe," papa said.

I walked out the door and drove to Jaime's. a red car was parked out front. It looked like Gina's. what would she be doing here?

I walked in and ran up to his room.

I opened the door and was completely shocked at what I saw.

"What?" I yelled. "what the hell?"

Gina jumped up from Jaime. she covered herself with a blanket. Jaime jumped up. he was naked too.

"Olivia," Jaime started. he shoved on basketball shorts.

he walked up to me. tears blurred my vision. I never cried but I couldn't help this.

"Olivia, this isn't what it looks like," he said.

"no Jaime. it's exactly what it looks like," I said storming away. Jaime grabbed my arm and I impulsively swung my fist into his face. he held his nose and I stormed out.

I drove home.

"hey, Cariño," he said. I ran up to my room without a word. I was crying hard. I threw books on the floor, ripped down all my pictures of Jaime on my wall and threw them on the floor.

I pulled off my shoes and threw them against the wall. I sat down on the ground and sobbed.

Papa ran into my room.

"Olivia! what's wrong!" he yelled.

"go away!" I screamed. "just go away," I said quieter. I curled up into a ball.

"was it Jaime?" he asked. I didn't answer.

"was it Jaime!?" papa yelled.

I nodded my head.

papa stormed out of my room and I stayed were I was.

about an hour later my papa came back.

"did you kill him?" I asked.

"worse, I told his mom," he said. I laughed and sniffled.

"what did you tell her?" I asked.

"that he made you cry, throw books, rip down all pictures of him, and those your shoes against the wall,"

I laughed again but it turned into a cry.

papa hugged me. "its gonna be okay, Cariño," he comforted me.

I slowly calmed down and just went to bed.

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