Chapter Five

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Carrie's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up in Olivia's bed. only she wasn't in it anymore.

I got up and stretched out my muscles.

"Olivia?" I yelled.

"kitchen!" she yelled back.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"what's the plan?" I asked pouring myself some coffee.

"well at 3 Jaime and his band are playing so were meeting them at one, watching them practice, then to the place where they play for the other band and then out for lunch or whatever it is when you eat at 4 or whenever," she said.

"where are we meeting them?" I asked.

"Vic owns a small house. they practice there. I've got the address now go actually get dressed. look presentable," she shooed me away. I went upstairs and put my Metallica shirt on then my black and red drug rug hoodie, and my ripped up jeans with my doc martins.

I brushed my bright blonde hair until is was curly and just the way I wanted. I colored the bottom of my eye with a thin streak of black eyeliner then mascara. nothing major. just a little something to bring out my eyes and whatever.

I wandered back downstairs with my coffee mug.

"better?" I asked even though she knew it wasn't going to get better. I loved my rug. I wore it almost all the time.

"as good as it gets," she said with a laugh.

I laughed. I took out the travel mug that I keep here, I poured about a quarter of it coffee and the rest was vodka.

"I swear you don't ever stop drinking," she said.

"sorry, love. I'm an adult. I can vote, and I can buy cigarettes but oh no can't buy my own house. I can't buy my own alcohol. but I drink it anyways," I said.

which was true. I've been drinking like this since I was 16. out of habit I suppose. I use to be in a really bad place. but I got drunk one night and never really sobered up.

when 1 rolled around me and Olivia left her house. she drove this time.

we didn't talk the whole way there. we pulled up at a small one story house. I filled my mug up again with the vodka i keep in my purse before getting out of the car and following Olivia up to the house. she knocked on the door and a boy with short brown hair opened it.

"hey Olivia, and you must be Carrie. I'm tony, come in," he said. me and Olivia Made our way inside.

Jaime got up from the chair he was sitting in and gave me a hug. I hugged back briefly, then he got to Olivia. he hugged her and kissed her on the lips quickly which caused her to smile

and he smiled back at her. it was strange to see. "when did you do that?" Olivia asked pointing to the new blonde streak I'm his hair.

"about an hour or two ago," he said.

"I like it," she said,

"so your Carrie?" a boy with longer straight brown hair said.

"yeah," I said smiling.

"well I'm Vic, that's my brother mike, and you've met Tony," he said pointing them out as he spoke about them.

Tony came up beside me and took my mug. he opened it and sniffed "haha coffee and vodka, I like it," he said and handed it back to me.

"Carrie's an all day drinker," Jaime said and laughed.

"bottoms up," I said and raised my mug before drinking some of it.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Where stories live. Discover now