Chapter Thirteen

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Three months later-Olivia's P.O.V.

I sat in me and Jaime's room the news the doctor gave me just 10 minutes ago is still sinking in.

Olivia, the cancer isn't going away. there isn't much of a chance of you surviving this. not more than a month. I'm so sorry.

things were just getting better. I still had to wear the oxygen tubes but I was use to them.

Jaime was suppose to get home in a couple hours from touring.

I missed him a lot. but I have to tell him.

The battle between me and my mind went on until I heard Jaime at the front door.

"Olivia!" he called.

"in the bedroom," I called

Jaime ran in and got on his knees in front of me while I was sitting on the bed.

I opened my my mouth but Jaime cut me off. "no shush let me talk first. I love you more than anything in the entire world. you've been in life for such a long time and I want you in my life forever. you are the only light I've

really ever known and i'd be lost without you physically and mentally. your the Sally to my Jack. the Violet to my Tate. You're my lunatic and I'm your psychopath. will you Marry me?" the question stunned me at he opened the small

black box that showed a little gold

ring with a medium sized diamond.

"yes," I said growing tears in my eyes.

Jaime slipped on the ring and kissed me.

"come on," I said.

"what do you mean?" he said.

"lets go get married right now," I said.

"where?" he asked.

"Las Vegas. I wanna go and I've never been," I said.

"uhm." he hesitated.

"come on! all in right now. you want to marry me? do it now," I said feeling really brave.

"yeah. I will! let's go!" he said jumping up and running out the door with me will me walking slowly behind him.

"I love you," he smiled at me.

"you know I love you too," I said back.

my stomach felt like a rock. I was lying to him.

we drove to Las Vegas together.


"you may now kiss the bride," the guy marrying us said as Jaime kissed me. we went through with it. him wearing a pair of jeans, red vans, and a black v neck. and me wearing black skinny jeans and a Mötley crëw sweater with my Doc Martins my oxygen tank sat next to me.

"looks like we're married now," I smiled at Jaime as we walked down the Las Vegas streets.

Jaime's P.O.V

I walked down the Las Vegas streets with Olivia, my wife, at my side and I couldn't be happier.

"wanna check into a gross motel?" she asked.

"wouldn't be a Las Vegas trip if we didn't," I said grabbing ahold of her hand as we walked into a motel check in.

As we walked to out motel room I stopped her.

"Mrs. Preciado, my dear wife," I said.

"yes?" she said.

I picked her up, and swung her over my shoulder and picked up her oxygen tank.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Where stories live. Discover now