Chapter Three

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Olivia's P.O.V

I stood there in my kitchen staring at the doughnuts Jaime had brought me. they were my favorite, he even got the kind from the bakery.

It's what we did when we got into fights. whoever felt like it was there fault or wanted to make it up to the other person would bring them there favorite food.

I would bring Jaime McDonald's french fries with voltage mnt dew. for some reason that was his favorite.

I took my doughnuts and my drink and went up to my room. I put on some music, mostly rage against the machine with some Korn and Metallica mixed in.

I dance around and cleaned up a

bit. I straightened up and put some more posters of "the who" and "nirvana".

I distracted myself as best as I could until my dad got home. he should be home any minute now.

Me and my dad are close. if I didn't have work like I don't tonight we would spend time together.

I heard the front door open and I walked down stairs. "hey papa," I said.

"hey, cariño," he said while putting his coat in the closet. "tonight were going over to The Preciado's for dinner," he said and smiled.

"could we just order in, instead?" I asked trying to say it in a way where he'd think I wasn't acting weird.

"c'mon Olivia," he said an I knew I didn't have a choice.

"we're leaving in an hour," he said.

I nodded and ran back up stairs.

I fell onto my bed and sighed. I really did not need this right now.

I got up and changed out of my long sleeve sweater and into a black "the who" sweater with gray shorts.

I stared at my arm for a second and jerked my sleeve down.

I shoved my red vans on and stared at myself in the mirror. my tan oval shaped face with high cheek bones and a average shaped nose. I pretty much looked like an average Mexican 18 year old girl, with my long brown hair that nearly reached the top of my butt.

After an hour had rolled around papa yelled for me to come on.

"Hurry up! Olivia!" he yelled.

I rushed down stairs with my bag swung over my shoulder. it was only four o'clock but I knew papa and mama Preciado would be chatting for hours. they always did.

Me and papa drove a couple blocks over from our house to Jaime's.

Papa knocked on the door and Jaime answered. he moved too the side and said, "come in," with a smile.

I ignored him awkwardly as I followed my father into the kitchen where Mama Preciado was cooking.

"taco's!" she said and smiled, "I even made beans for you, Olivia," she said pulling me into a tight hug. I'm a vegetarian.

I hugged back tightly.

"I haven't seen you in a couple weeks," she said. I smiled "I've been a bit busy,"

"well you have to come around more often, I miss you," she said.

I nodded. "of course,"

"now go, you and Jaime run off and do whatever it is that you guys do," she said. Mama Preciado was like a mom to me. she always says I'm like a daughter to her. ever since my mom died mama Preciado has really been the only mother figure in my life and I was so grateful for her.

As usual I followed Jaime upstairs too his room. Jaime closed the door and I sat on his bed.

"what do you want to listen to?" he asked.

"I'm feeling Cobain today," I said. Jaime put on nirvana and we kind of just sat there and stared at each other for a while.

this was awkward as hell.

I stood up and walked around the room. I stopped at some picture of us he hung up on his wall. every year on August 16th we took a picture together in this tree in his backyard. we've done this since fourth grade. this will be our 10th picture next time. assuming he still wants too.

it was actually pretty fascinating to see me and Jaime sitting In this tree from when we were 9 to 17. now in a week it'll be August 16th. we'll take a new picture.

"weird right? we've grown up so much," Jaime said standing beside me now.

I nodded I get like crying, but I knew I wouldn't.

Jaime an arm around my shoulder.

"you know that thing you said about Julia? you know, after she died. you said you could tell she loved me because of the look in her eyes?"

I nodded sadly remembering that day.

"well I see it. in your eyes. in half of these pictures. I see it now," he said. he wasn't wrong. in most if these pictures I was looking up at him with the look in my eyes like I was in love.

"I never saw it on anyone before. not like here in your eyes," he said pointing at the picture of us at 13. this was the year after my mom died. Jaime was really the only one besides my dad that could make me feel better.

"and here and here and here," he said pointing to all the pictures after that.

he was right again. I pretty much had the same look each time. we would sit in the tree and take multiple pictures until we got one we liked.

"why are you bringing this up?" I asked. I could feel Jaime shrug.

he sighed "I don't know, liv. I've pretty much for the past two weeks been staring at these pictures and just today I saw it. the look you have on your face you're happy. I made you happy and now I'm so confused on where we are. your my best friend. I know that. but I'm seeing you differently now. like I said this morning," he said.

I pushed his arm off of my shoulder and I fell onto the bed.

"what the fuck is that?" he said sounding pissed. I shot up. "what's what?" I asked. Jaime walked over and sat down next to me. he took my left arm but I pulled away. No.

"Olivia Marie," he said using my full name.

he finally got ahold of my arm and lifted up the sleeve. he had a pained expression, like some smacked him across the face.

he covered his mouth with his hand and he whispered "oh my god,"

I jerked away. he stood up and faced the opposite direction of me

"Jaime," I said as I shoved down my sleeve.

I looked at him. he was crying. Jaime never cried. not that I ever saw. he cried when my mom and jack died and again when Julia did but never after that.

"why, Olivia? why are you hurting yourself like that?" he said tears falling down onto his cheek.

I took my thumb and I wiped off his tears. "I'll stop," I said "I want to stop but I had no motivation too, I didn't know how,"

"please, don't ever do that again, I don't like the idea of you ruining your skin," he said

"I swear Jaime, it'll never happen again. please don't cry," I pulled him into a hug.

the familiarity of him made me feel better. then i balled my fists into his shirt.

we then sat on the floor with our backs pressed against his bed and watch tv silently until dinner was ready.

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