Chapter Ten

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-Two and a half weeks later-

Finally I decided it was time. I had enough so I went to the nearest McDonald's and ordered two large fries, then went to Walmart and bought 3 bottles of Mountain Dew voltage.

This boy was weird.

When I got back to my car I had his food in my passenger seat.

I had gotten his address from Carrie who asked tony. Once I arrived out front of his apartment complex I scribbled on a piece of paper.

Hey. I love you. I forgive you. meet me at my shop at around 11pm tonight.

-Olivia Marie

So I taped the note to the bag, put it on his front mat, rang the door bell and ran like hell.

It was only about 6 so I had five hours.

And as usual, I went to my pizza shop.

When I walked in through the back doors I went to the bathroom first. I stared at myself in the mirror. Since I was dying for a change I cut my hair. Instead of the long hair that almost reached my butt I cut it and now it's and inch under my collar bone. the change was nice and the hair cut didn't look bad.

As I looked on the mirror I studied myself carefully. It was strange, I've been gaining a bit of weight but I haven't changed anything about my diet. so now I'm going on a new diet in hopes of burning off that 5 or so pounds.

My feet directed me too the kitchen where Stella was fast at work. I threw on my apron and helped her.

"I told Jaime I forgive him," I said.

"And?" Stella said while tossing the dough.

"well it was a one way conversation. I left food and a note like he did to me and told him to meet me here at 11 tonight. so I need everybody clearing out by then!" I yelled the last sentence.

"yeah we all get off at 10 to 11 anyway," Stella said with a grin. "and when I come to work tomorrow I don't want to clean any sex off our counters,"

I laughed at the thought. "no I think we got that covered," I said.

"you guys?" she said making hand motions of sex.

"yeah. we were drunk and yeah," I said a bit awkwardly spreading the sauce.

"woah. sex is the best medicine," she said.

That only made me laugh. "Carrie said the same thing,"

"yeah but lesbians know this shit," she said. I laughed.

"yeah how's it going with Diana?" I asked her putting a pizza in the oven and taking another out.

"better. she finally believe that I'm not straight. so were doing better. she started actually coming home," she said.

"you know where she was going?" I asked.

"yeah a friend of ours. her name is Sage," she said.

the small talk with me and Stella made the hours pass a little quicker. it was 10:30 and all but two of my workers have left. there were no more costumers here anymore.

Stella was finishing up closing and cleaning everything while I was helping.

The back door opened and it was like deja vu. Jaime walked in with a huge smile on his face like he's done since I started working here.

I stripped my apron off and hung it up.

"well, is this Jaime?" Stella whispered to me.

"Stella this is Jaime. Jaime this is Stella who's shift just ended," I said giving her a look.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Where stories live. Discover now