Chapter Eleven

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Olivia's P.O.V

Me and Jaime made it official a couple days ago. It's been about three weeks since the night at the dam.

"c'mon then! Jaime told me to get you up so you could meet him at his moms house at 12!" Carrie yelled hitting me with pillows.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled getting up.

"aren't you a morning person," she said sarcastically.

"fuck off," I said and walked into the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. everything was different about me. I felt weak. out of breath. it's been like that for a week or so now.

I stepped into the shower and cleaned myself off.

After I showered I blow dried my hair, applied some basic makeup and decided on what to wear.

Then I pulled on a pair of plain American eagle jeans with a tight black tank top and a black and red flannel button up and my doc martins.

Then I hooked my mothers old necklace that I always wear around my neck.

"hey, love. yes I'm leaving for your moms now," I told him when he answered the phone.

"yeah. I wanted to surprise her and tell her that were back together,"

"alright, I'll see you soon,"

"I love you,"

I love you too,"

When I arrived at Jaime's old house the door was propped open so I walked in.

"Olivia!" Mama Preciado yelled. she ran over and have me a tight hug.

I looked around but everything was pretty much the same.

"Mama Preciado. you haven't come around in a while," I said hugging back.

"sorry about that, dear. Jaime should be here soon though. what should I get you to drink?" she asked.

"vodka," I muttered under my breath.

"ha. how about kool-aid?" she said.

I laughed and nodded so she poured me a glass of red kool-aid.

"ah! the man of the hour!" Mama Preciado said and kissed Jaime once on each cheek when he walked through the door.

"hey mama," he said sitting down in the chair next to me.

"so, I'm suspicious," Mama Preciado said.

"about?" I said.

"you guys won't even speak to each other once for six years and now all the sudden you guys are on speaking terms again?" she asked

"well yeah. actually," Jaime said. "were back together,"

Mama Preciado squealed. "Thank The Lord," she said.

We all laughed.

I excused myself to the bathroom. something was wrong. I felt different and weird. a sharp pain stabbed through somewhere near my hip bone and all the way up to my throat.

my stomach lurched and I threw up. I threw up everything in my stomach.

must be bad food or something.

Once I cleaned myself up I rejoined Jaime and Mama Preciado. when I saw a familiar face sitting in the seat I was just in.

"papa," I said and ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Where stories live. Discover now